This is the January 9, 2025 CBC Yukon morning radio community report for Dakwakada-Haines Junction. This report is produced from information sent by the community or gathered from bulletin boards and Facebook groups for HJ. Please let Kari Johnston know of any errors or omissions. The report is also published to and to the Echo (when possible)
-- 👋 Introduction 👉 Happy New Year! 👉 Lots of Junctioners watched the big hockey game on New Years Eve. A huge thank you to Da Ku for hosting fireworks, crib tournament and other fun games on First Night. 👉 And a big thank you to all of the organizations that hosted holiday events throughout the holiday season – from the Library Craft Sale to the Skate with Santa on Christmas Eve, the Junction sure is a happening place. 👉 Huge thank you to the organizers of the Annual Homecoming Tournament – a wonderful tradition and fun event on Boxing Day. 👉Also a big shout out to the St Elias Cross Country trail groomers for keeping the ski trails in tip-top condition over the holidays and to Mark Heathcliff for plowing a skating track on Pine Lake. 👉 Minor hockey started the New Year in a great way with the All Girls Hockey Camp on January 4-5. Thank you to the volunteers, organizers and coaches who helped make it happen! 👉 Julie Bauer reports that the Junction Christmas bird count was on Dec 29, had 20 species of birds, 40 participants including 2 families with young kids. Highest amount of skiers ever with 14 on the trails. Very quiet for the finches, only 6 repolls, a few flocks of crossbills seen by skiers and ok numbers of pine grosbeaks at the feeders. Unusual sighting of 70 snow buntings on the highway . Bird watchers celebrated with the traditional potluck. Kluane Lake bird count was on Jan 5, had 9 participants and only 8 species. 👋Congratulations! The St Elias Lions Club was honoured with the much sought after Club of the Year award for 2023-2024 in our district, which is 49B. District 49B includes the Yukon, Northern BC, a club in NWT and a great portion of Alaska. We were very surprised and humbled by this great honour as we strive to serve our community with all the events that we host and all the work that we do in front of the scenes as well as behind.  👋Village of Haines Junction 👉By-Election for a Mayor January 11: deadline for nominations January 17: special ballots available (must be returned by 2pm on January 30) January 23: advance poll (8:00am to 8:00pm) at the Convention Center January 23: mobile poll (8:00am to 4:00pm) January 30: election day (8:00am to 8:00pm) at the Convention Center 👉 Donated Refundables Fund The Village of Haines Junction Recycle Centre accepts donated refundable items throughout the year. The refund money collected is held in a Donated Refundables fund to be awarded on an annual basis to eligible groups, as per the Donation of Refundable Items Policy #31-20. Next application deadline: January 15, 2025. 👉Reminder! Tipping Fees Public Meeting Monday, January 13 at 6pm in the Grand Hall at the Convention Center. Plan to attend this public meeting to learn more about tipping fees that will come into effect on February 1, 2025. We will also be seeking your ideas on potential solutions to community concerns that have been raised with the new Waste Management and Sorting Requirements bylaw. Each household in attendance will receive 10 free bag tags! Garbage bag tags are now on sale at the Village Office. Learn more at 👋Champagne and Aishihik First Nations 👉 Rabbit Harvesting Join Darline Blair to learn how to snare, clean and prepare rabbits. January 13 through 16th. At Kloo Lake Open to CAFN Elders For More Information, please call Darline Blair at 867-634-5216 👉Women’s Support Circle with Lorraine Stick 6:30-8:30pm Healing House - 22 Hume Street - Upstairs Meeting Room January 21st 👉CAFN Cultural Programs: Regalia Making 2025 CAFN Language & Culture is facilitating regalia creation workshops in Haines Junction and Whitehorse to support all those who are graduating, performing in the cultural arts, or for ceremony in 2025. Personal instruction and design along with the materials/supplies being provided. January 14th at Da Kų In Haines Jct. 5pm- 9pm February 5th in Whitehorse. at Yukon Inn Plaza Boardroom 3pm-8pm For more info. email: [email protected] 👉 Game night At Mun Ku in Haines Junction Wednesday, January 15th, and Tuesday January 21st 7 to 9 pm Snacks provided. Let’s laugh and play with friends → cards, Scrabble, crib 👉 CAFN invites Citizens to participate in the Community Land Use Planning Engagement meeting in Champagne It’s your chance to share your input on important Land Use Planning Projects! Food and door prizes will be provided. Champagne Community Hall Date: January 18th Time: 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM 👉Community Wellness Ice Fishing with CAFN Land Guardians And yes there is a prize for the biggest fish. January 20 from 10am to 4pm at Pine Lake for more info please get in touch with Darline at 867-634-5236 👉Elders and Seniors Information Fair January 21st at St.Elias Convention Centre in Haines Junction 11am-3:30pm 👉Money Matters - Free workshop Gain confidence in budgeting, tax preparation, credit, borrowing, RESPs, and savings in this course focused on mastering financial management. Lunch & Refreshments provided January 8-9-10 2025 9am to 3pm at Munku Haines junction For more info: contact Emily at 867-334-1843 [email protected] 👉Dá Kų̀ Nan Ts’etthet - Our House is Waking up the Land June 13 - 15, 2025 Dá Kų̀ Cultural Centre Ph: (867) 634-3300 email: [email protected] More details to come!! 👉Northern Focus Counselling with Vishnu Kolothumkattil in Takhini and Haines Junction! Haines Junction, One-on-One services: Jan 13, Feb 17, Mar 10, Apr 14, May 19, Jun 9. Set up an appointment @ 1-867-689-1885 or [email protected]. For more information contact Community Wellness @ 1-867-634-4200. 👋Haines Junction Public Library 👉Storytime starts up again this Friday: Join us for Storytime, a fun and engaging program for little ones! Each session features themed stories, interactive crafts, and plenty of free time for reading and play. It’s the perfect way for children ages 0-5 to explore books, get creative, and make new friends in a relaxed and welcoming environment. Once a month, Storytime will be held entirely in French—an exciting opportunity to introduce little ones to a new language through fun stories and activities! Check out to find out more about our events and programs 👋YukonU - HJ Campus 👉Expression of interest for First Aid Course for winter/spring 2025. Standard First Aid - 16hrs Babysitting First Aid - 8 hrs Remote First Aid - 24 hrs Wilderness First Aid - 40 hrs Call the campus at 634-7800 if you’re interested in first aid in the new year. 👉 Yukon Science Institute: Major Lecture Series Cost of Living Dangerously: The ecology of mountain goats and avalanches Kevin White (University of Alaska Southeast and University of Victoria) revelas the fascinating natural history of mountain goats in southeast Alaska based on his long-term field study, including their perilous trade-offs when living in avalanche terrain. Free coffee/tea and cookies. Monday, January 20 at 7:00pm at the Haines Junction YukonU Campus 👉 Class 3 Commercial Driving Courses Registration deadline: January 20, 2025 Airbrakes Endorsement. Cost is $605+GST. February 11-13 from 9am to 5pm. Class 3 Theory. Cost is $635+GST. February 14-15 from 9am to 3pm. 👋Parks Canada 👉 Summer may seem far away, but you can get planning your camping trip to Kluane National Park and Reserve and make reservations for oTENTik and campsites starting in just two weeks! Kathleen Lake Campground reservations open January 21st at 8am. 👋HJ Food Association 👉 Annual General Meeting is scheduled for January 25 at 2pm. Contact [email protected] for more information 👋St Elias Dalls - 27th Annual Female Jamboree
👋Augusto! Calling All Creative Leaders! Do you have a fun, hands-on workshop idea for kids? Join us at Augusto Children’s Festival 2025 and help spark imagination and joy! August 8-10, 2025 St. Elias Convention Centre, Haines Junction, Yukon We’re seeking inspiring workshops focused on art, music, and creativity for kids 12 and under. Ready to bring your idea to life? Submit your proposal in just 5-10 minutes! 👋Thrift Store The Haines Junction Thrift Shop is open every Thursday afternoon between 2-6 pm in the basement of the Log Church. Prices are kept as low as possible with the hope that items will be used again rather than ending up in our landfill. Items that we can’t use, or have been on the shelves for too long are sent to other places in the hope that they can be used elsewhere, or are sent to be recycled whenever possible. At the present time, donations of clean and good condition clothing, small household items and books other than textbooks can be dropped off outside the Thrift Shop at any time. Volunteers go by daily to put items inside. We thank everyone for their donations and want to remind the community that when you come shopping to please bring a bag and that the Thrift Shop is a cash only operation. 👋Trivia Nights at the 1016 Pub The 1016 Pub Trivia Night is back, Mondays at 6:30 PM For more information, call 634-2093 👋Sports, Health and Fitness 👉St Elias Cross Country Ski Club The Ski Club maintains about 40km+ of trackset trails in the area over the winter. The main trails are the “Forestry Trails” with the main entrance located near the wildfire base or at the end of Bear Berry Road. Volunteers often trackset Pine Lake and other trails around town. With the support of Parks Canada staff, trails like the Auriol are often trackset as well. The best way to keep up to date on trail conditions is to join the ski club for access to trail maps. Membership is pay what you can. They suggest $50/family or $30/individual for the year. Donations can be made by etransfer to [email protected] or find them on Facebook for more information. 👉Romp-n-Run Romp n Run is on Tuesdays and Thursdays 10-11:30am Come enjoy a facilitated program, followed by a healthy snack, and free play. 👉Creative Junction We are so thrilled to share that we will be offering dance classes again in Haines Junction. We are thrilled to bring Valeries Herdes from Whitehorse as a dance instructor. She will be with us every second week and our local dance instructors Dyanna Wilkinson and Savannah Van Vliet will be providing classes on the weeks that Valerie is not in Haines Junction. Our children’s dances classes will be starting on Tuesday, January 7th and will run every Tuesday until May 20th and will end with a dance performance in late May. The class schedule will be as follows Tuesdays- Grand Hall 330-415pm K5/Gr1 - Instructors Valerie & Savannah 430-530pm Gr2/Gr3 - Instructors Valerie & Dyanna 530-630pm Gr4/5 - Instructors Valerie & Dyanna 700-800pm – Adult Classes ** the adult classes will run every 2nd week as it will only be taught by Valerie There will be a total of 18 children’s classes and 10 adult classes We also hope to partner with the school to offer additional classes for other age groups All classes will be in the Grand Hall (we may have to occasionally move to the mezzanine due to conflicts with other users but we will notify parents if we do) Class fees K5/Gr1 $100 for 18 classes and performance Gr2/Gr3 $150 for 18 classes and performance Gr4/Gr5 $150 for 18 classes and performance Adult classes will be $125 for 10 classes The class fees are higher than we have charged in the past but that is due to costs of bringing in a professional dance instructor as well as reduced funding. Please note our dance fees are still far less then classes in Whitehorse (approx half the cost) We will also be asking parents to help with fundraising this year to help cover our costs so watch for those requests. There will be a class size limit so please watch for registration in the next day or two. Please share these email with others that might be interested. 👉Yoga Lotus yoga classes are: Sundays @6pm at the Atrium in the St Elias Convention Center. Join Sarah-Monique in a 75 mins FLOW class of stretching and strengthening.Donation amount of $15 recommended. Please bring a mat and comfortable clothes. Wednesday morning @10 at the Convention Center auditorium. Join Sarah-Monique in a 60 mins chair yoga class where she will assist proper biomechanics and form for increasing mobility and balance. Donation amount of $5 recommended. To sign up, please head to and click on Sarah-Monique’s profile to book or call/text (250)797-4921. 👉Massage Rebecca Schatz, massage therapist, will be relocating to Bear Creek Lodge as of Oct 1st located at 103091 Alaska HW. Sessions are covered through insurance. To book online head to or text (250)797-4921. 👉Curling Every Tuesday at 6:30 pm at the arena 👉Taekwondo Classes Kids Class - Tuesday, December 9th, 5:30-6:10pm (Kids 4-6 years old must have an adult participate with them) Adult/Youth Class - Thursday December 11, 5:30-6:10pm (Adult/Youth Class is aimed at 11yrs and up) 👉Minor Hockey U9 Yukon Championship in Whitehorse January 11th&12th U13 Yukon Championship Hosted by HJMH January 24th-26th U11 Yukon Championship in Dawson City February 14th-16th HJMH has teams participating in all of these tournaments. February 8th Hockey Skill Camp with Yukon North Stars Age 6+ free for all players registered with HJMH 👉Pedal Junction We have cleared YESAB process and now we’re working with the Village who will be working with the Lands Management Branch for use of Public Lands. 👉Basketball Tuesday nights from 7-8:30pm. Come on out to shoot some hoops. Ages 13+. 👉Volleyball Wednesday at 6:30pm in the school gym 👉Badminton Badminton on Fridays! Doors will open at 7:30. 16+ unless accompanied by an adult. 👉Kluane Running Club Run every Tuesday and Thursday at 7.30 pm. Will be one hour mostly. Meeting up at the front of the swimming pool. Every weekend it will be one longer run after agreement with the group. Join Facebook group if interested Planning is underway for the first Kluane Running Club Triathalon 👉Kluane Chilkat International Bike Relay 2025 The race will be taking place on Saturday June 21st.
AboutOn the 2nd Thursday of each month, the CBC Community Reporter for Dakwäkäda-Haines Junction (Kari Johnston) speaks on CBC morning radio show at around 8:20 am. Tune in at 103.5 FM. Archives
February 2025
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