Haines Junction Community Report CBC – February 15, 2018
PomPom Challenge Did you know that we’re in the midst of a community-wide challenge to make 500 hand sewn wolf fur pompoms? With fur supplied from local trappers, we’re making wolf fur pompoms for Team Yukon’s toques for the 2018 Arctic Winter Games! They look amazing! It has been a great project for the community. We’ve all been getting together and having little sewing parties and learning a new skill. The next workshop to learn how to make the pompoms is on Monday, February 19 from 7-9pm at Da Ku and then on Tuesday, February 20 from 7-9pm at the Youth Centre. Questions? Contact Monica Krieger at CAFN at 634-4200 ext 253 A huge thank you to Champagne and Aishihik First Nation, the Alsek Renewable Resources Council and Unfurled! Visit www.volunteerhainesjunction.com/pompom for more information Upcoming Events Music, Mountains, Magic! The Kluane Mountain Bluegrass Festival is now well into its second decade, attracting international audiences and world-class performers to Haines Junction. This year’s festival takes place June 8-10 at the St. Elias Convention Centre. Visit yukonbluegrass.com for more information. I’m also super to announce that Augusto Children’s Festival is back. This year’s festival is August 10-12th in Haines Junction and the act this year is Sheldon Casavant. He is a fabulous magician from Edmonton who has been exploring magic since the age of 11. He wrote a children’s book called Morton the Magician and travels the world performing and teaching magic to kids. Check him out at www.sheldoncasavant.com Augusto will be announcing more performers and artists over the coming months, follow the festival on Facebook or visit www.augustokids.ca Sports Report This weekend, The St Elias Lions are hosting a Sweetheart “fun-spiel” -- on Saturday, February 17. The fun starts at 9 am and should wrap up at about 9pm. The bonspiel is full but spectators are encouraged… and the concession is being run by the Grad Class. Hockey January and February are busy hockey months for the Hainess Junction Huskies' teams. Haines Junction hosted of the 2018 ATOM Championships on the weekend of Jan 12-14. Our Atom players coached by Ryan Drummond and Ryan Hack were great hosts of the tournament; they worked hard, played well and represented our little town well. A big thank you to the coaches, the volunteers, the rink attendants and tournament sponsors - it was a super successful weekend because of everyone involved. The Bantam Hockey Championships were held in Whitehorse on January 26-28. Congratulations to all our Bantam and Midget players and their coach Ernie MacKinnon and Ryan MacKinnon for participating! They played well and represented HJ well. The Novice Hockey Championships were held in Watson Lake on February 2-4. Despite having a team of only 8 players including a goalie who had only been playing net for two weeks, three players who had only put on hockey skates a year ago and a 7hr drive in -40. The Haines Junction Huskies Novice team coached by TJ Grantham and Meagan Brown brought home the bronze medal with a 4-1 record. Way to go HUSKIES!!!! We are so proud of all our players!!!! Last Ice time: March 8. Haines Junction Minor Hockey Association would like to thank all the coaches, volunteers, parents and players for another great hockey season!!! A special thank you to Lotteries Yukon's and Dakwakada Capital Investments for their ongoing support. For more information on Haines Junction Minor Hockey email [email protected] or visit us on FB. Ski Report Cross-Country skiing is great! A big thank you to the volunteer trail groomers who have been doing a wonderful job setting tracks at the Forestry Trails for all of us happy skiers! Has winter got you down? We now offer Adult and Teen Badminton TWO nights a week! Lots of laughs guaranteed! So that’s…
Romp n Run has fun, wiggles and movement for children 4 and under every Tuesday and Thursday mornings. Its 10am -11:30am at the Haines Junction Hockey Arena mezzanine! Programs are always changing, currently every Tuesday is Dance & Movement and Thursdays is the Romp-n-Stomp Music program. In March we will get back into Parent and Tot yoga on Thursdays. Healthy snack and coffee provided. Please wear comfortable clothes and indoor shoes. Parent or caregiver participation is required. Thank you to our funders- Partners for Children, Lotteries Yukon, Junction Arts and Music and the Yukon Government Health Investment Fund. Arts and Culture We have a lot of incredibly talented artists living in Haines Junction – Martha Ritchie will be exhibiting her work at Yukon Artists at Work in March. The opening is on March 2nd from 5 to 8 at the gallery in Whitehorse and everyone is welcome. The show runs until March 27th. It is called ‘Unframed’ and is new work combining linocut prints with pencil and paint. The Haines Junction Public LibraryAllison Martin, a YA fiction author, will be offering a one-day writing workshop for teens on March 31. You can visit www.quirksandcommas.com to learn more about Allison. Kim Henkel is going to be hosting a journal making workshop at the Haines Junction Public Library. It will be in March. I’ll have more details in next month’s community report… but I can tell you that both events It will be free but space will be limited. Youth Centre The Youth Centre is open this week from 3:30-5:30 pm. Homework help is every Monday from 3:30-5:30-pm. Evening hours this week are from 7 to 9:30 pm. Join them this Friday for Dinner and Movie at 5:30pm Wellness Haines Junction Health Centre nurses are happy to support community members in their weight-loss goals. We offer weekly weigh-ins, access to the community dietitian, and tips to improve your diet and increase your daily activity. The open Womens’ Weekly Weigh-in group takes place every Thursday at 4:30pm in the basement of the clinic. All women are welcome. MINDFULNESS AND MEDITATION FOR BEGINNERS On February 26, 2018 at 5pm in the clinic basement, Dr. Somani will teach a 1 hour session on Isha Kriya, a simple 12- 18 minute practice, to help you become meditative effortlessly. No previous experience required and it can easily be done sitting in a chair. Please call the Haines Junction clinic to register. FEBRUARY IS HEART HEALTH MONTH One of the key steps to keeping your heart healthy is knowing your blood pressure (BP) and checking it regularly. High BP can, and often does, lead to increased risk of stroke, heart failure, dementia, kidney disease, and eye problems. Before you can address high BP, you have to know you're at risk. Get to Know Your Numbers at one of our BP clinics this month! BP can be checked by a nurse at the Health Centre by appointment or drop in every day. Call us to ask about availability! The nursing station can be reached at 634-4444 Daffodil Campaign! Volunteers are busy getting ready for this year’s Canadian Cancer Society Daffodil Campaign. The daffodils will arrive in the territory on Tuesday, March 27 – just a few days before Easter! We’re looking for volunteers to help us with:
AboutOn the 2nd Thursday of each month, the CBC Community Reporter for Dakwäkäda-Haines Junction (Kari Johnston) speaks on CBC morning radio show at around 8:20 am. Tune in at 103.5 FM. Archives
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