Thrift Shop
The Thrift Shop is open every other Thursday from 2-4pm… so that means that it’s open 14th and 28th this month. Haines Junction Official Community Plan The Village of Haines Junction, in partnership with Champagne and Aishihik First Nations, invites you to participate in public consultation for the Official Community Plan for Haines Junction/Dakwakada. We want to hear from you: Do you think the OCP Background Report accurately reflects our community? The Background Report is available in hard copy at the Municipal Office and on the VHJ website. You are invited to attend one of two Open Houses to learn more and share your thoughts. These meetings are open to the whole community, everyone is welcome. Snacks will be provided. We are hosting two community meetings on Thursday, March 14. Participate in discussions around:
Open House 1: 3:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. Convention Centre Atrium
Open House 2: 5:30 p.m. - 8 p.m. Da Kų Culture Centre
Champagne and Aishihk First Nations Dákų̀ nän tsʼeddhyèt dance festival The Dákų̀ nän tsʼeddhyèt dance festival is happening here in Haines Junction June 13-16, 2019 at Dákų̀ culture centre. The festival takes place every other year and is an incredible coming together of dance, singing and drumming. More details to come soon! Sports Report Kluane Chilkat International Bike Relay Association The bike relay is June 15 but registration opens March 15 and can fill up within hours or days. For more information and to register go to Drop-in Badminton Teen and adult badminton on Tuesdays 7:30 pm school gym Drop-in Soccer Adult drop-in soccer is starting up again. Join the fun every Thursday from 7:30-9pm at the St. Elias School gym. Drop-in Yoga Mondays: - starting at 5:15 at Yukon College. Free. (No class on January 14) Tuesdays: - starting at 5:15 at the Yukon College. Free.
Haines Junction Minor Hockey HJMH wrapped up their season last Wednesday. A big THANK YOU to all the players, coaches, parents and volunteers! And a special warm thank you to our generous supporters and sponsors! HJMH will be hosting an End of the Year Banquet and Awards Night on April 9, from 5-7pm at the Convention Centre. It's an opportunity to thank the volunteers and celebrate the young athletes on their accomplishments this season. Romp n Run Romp n Run has fun, wiggles and movement for children 4 and under every Tuesday and Thursday, 10am -11:30am, at the Haines Junction Hockey Arena mezzanine. Our programs include parent and tot yoga, a kids art exploration program, visits from the Child Development centre and lots of other great activities. Healthy snack and coffee provided. Please wear comfortable clothes and indoor shoes. Parent or caregiver participation is required. Thank you to Partners for Children and Lotteries Yukon for funding our program. Yukon College Learn to Make Youth Anoraks Come and learn to sew youth ski anoraks (shell only) with fur trim on the hood. These “Father Mouchet” anoraks will be donated to the Kwanlin Koyotes Ski Club in Whitehorse. Participants that come to all 5 sessions will receive a certificate of completion, as well as the pattern and materials (without fur) to make a youth anorak at home. No sewing experience or equipment is needed. The HJ campus has received some Juki industrial machines, so let’s put them to work! Sessions are Monday and Thursday evenings, 7-10pm March 18, 21, 25, 28 and April 1st. We will learn cutting, piecing, sewing, zippers and fur trim! Drop-ins are welcome on any of the dates. Come learn some new skills and have a hand in this fantastic Yukon project! This course is free, and open to everyone interested! Canadian Firearms Safety Course March 16 & 17, 2019 from 9am to 5pm Tuition is $195 +GST Standard First Aid and CPR C March 21 & 22, 2019 from 9am to 5pm Tuition is $195 Arts and Culture Gordie Tentrees Concert – April 5th JAM has a Gordie Tentrees concert coming up April 5th at the St. Elias Convenrion Centre. With opener Roland Roberts. Tickets $20 at the door (10 for senior/youth). Doors open 7:00, show at 7:30. There will be a cash bar available so minors need to be accompanied by an adult. Check out or @hainesjunctionjam on Facebook for all the details. The Yukon Comedy Festival – Haines Junction Show Sunday, March 17 8-11pm It may be sold out in Whitehorse but there are still tickets available for the Haines Junction show.
Kluane Mountain Bluegrass Festival There are a just a few passes left for the 2019 Kluane Mountain Bluegrass Festival (June 7-9 in Haines Junction). Organizers expect the festival to sell out in the next few weeks, so book your tickets today so you don't miss out on the Music, Mountains and Magic this year! KMBF will be announcing their full line up soon, so head for more information, and LIKE their Facebook page for regular updates! See you in June! Vancouver International Mountain Film Festival – April 4, 2019 Films, Food, Fun, Gear Sale, Mountain Art Show, Silent Auction, Door Prizes, Local Photo Contest, Local 4-min Films... so many great things packed into one evening and all in support of the St. Elias Cross Country Ski Club! Music Jam Night Join fellow musicians at the Village Bakery Green Room on Friday nights from 5:30pm to 9pm for drop in Jam sessions. Bring your own instrument. Bring your own tea. Bring some firewood. Thank you to the Village Bakery for donating the space 😊 Haines Junction Library Starting on Tuesday March 12 until the end of the month, the Library is hosting “Found Word Poetry”. This is to celebrate UNESCO’s International Poetry Day which happens every year on March 21. Patrons come and chose a book page from the stack provided (NOT LIBRARY BOOKS!). They circle the words that sound like a poem when strung together. I’ll have felt pens and crayons ready for those who want to add colour. Their work will be displayed at the library. Free and fun! Story hour at the library is every Friday from 10-11am Writing Group Local author, Allison Martin, has started a local writing group. The group meets the first Saturday of each month, so the next meeting is February 2. It’s a drop-in, casual group for anyone interested in working on their words. The group meets at the Haines Junction Library on the first Saturday of each month from 10am to 2pm. Art Journaling Group Kim Henkel hosts an Art Journaling group at the St. Elias School art room every Tuesday from 7-9pm. Bring supplies if you have them, if not, Kim is happy to share hers. Daffodil Campaign! Volunteers are busy getting ready for this year’s Canadian Cancer Society Daffodil Campaign. The daffodils will arrive in the territory on Tuesday, March 26. We’re looking for volunteers to help us with:
Visit, find us on Facebook or call me at 335-0440 -- Sandy Outro – A reminder to the listeners, if there is something that peaks your interest, Kari posts a copy of this report at and you can also visit the amazing community calendar there which is supported by Elsabe Kloppers.
AboutOn the 2nd Thursday of each month, the CBC Community Reporter for Dakwäkäda-Haines Junction (Kari Johnston) speaks on CBC morning radio show at around 8:20 am. Tune in at 103.5 FM. Archives
February 2025
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