Healing the Soul Wound
Champagne and Aishihik First Nation Presents, Healing the Soul Wound With Eduardo Duran, PhD. World Renowned Author, Psychologist and Healer is coming to Da Ku on Friday, May 18th, 9am to 4pm, Haines Junction. This session will help participants become aware of the impact historical trauma has on present day lives of Native and other people who have a history of collective trauma. Effects of how trauma relates to present day symptoms will be discussed from a western (Archetypal-Jungian) theoretical as well as traditional Indigenous epistemological understandings of the life-world.
The idea of 7th Direction is based on ancient Indigenous teaching. Wise and enlightened teachers tell us that at the center of the six cardinal directions is the 7th Sacred Direction. Coincidentally, the 7th Direction happens to be at the center of our heart. The purpose of therapy and healing is to bring our awareness to the center of our heart and allow us to act and move through the world with heart felt awareness and not simply rely on brain cognitions. Cognitions can be useful if we integrate them with heart awareness, which will help us navigate our daily life-world in a harmonious manner. Contact Nataschaa Chatterton at 867-335-4460 or [email protected] or [email protected] to register. Visit www.soulhealing16.com Southern Tutchone Hunting Arrows On Thursday, May 10th, 7pm, at Da Kų Culture Centre, come hear what has been learned about Southern Tutchone arrows -- based on finds from the ice patch sites, study of museum collections, and what our Elders have told us. Junction Arts and Music Junction Arts and Music is very excited to be bring the Gwaandak Theatre play The Unplugging to Haines Junction on Wednesday May 16th. Inspired by the Gwich'in story Two Old Women, when the world becomes unplugged - no more iPhones, internet or electricity - two exiled older women retreat to the land, reclaiming wisdom from the past to survive, and build a future. The show starts at 7:30 p.m. - tickets are $20 at the door. This is the final scheduled screening of the play - if you missed it in Whitehorse, you can still catch it in Haines Junction at the St. Elias Convention Centre next Wednesday evening, May 16th. Augusto The second annual Augusto! Children’s Festival will take place from August 10 to 12 at the St. Elias Convention Centre in Haines Junction. Celebrating children aged 12 and under through a weekend festival of art and music, planning for the festival is well underway. The Dakwäkäda Dancers will open the festival late Friday afternoon, getting kids warmed up for dancing with Ross River's Dena Zagi band. During the day Saturday and half day Sunday, 26 one hour workshops will be offered where children aged 5 to 12 will have the opportunity to work with professional artists, and try their hand at several different visual art and performing art activities. With a broad theme of magic and theatrics, workshops will include magic, puppet making, Southern Tutchone dance and songwriting, Kaska drumming and songs, Bhangra music and dance, circus circuit with aerial rig, ukulele lessons, milk jug sculptures, making leather braids and small bags, making colorful clay beads, making masks, creating dream catchers, fashion design, and robotics. In tandem with the workshop hours, Toddler Town will be a mini festival in itself for ages 4 and under with short concerts, structured craft activities, storytelling corners and the amazing cardboard village to explore. All ages will come together for the feature performance on Saturday night – a one hour interactive magic show, with Alberta magician Sheldon Casavant. To start the magic, ventriloquist Kellie Haines will open the show with her puppet musical - fast paced ventriloquism, singing, dancing, high kicks and physical comedy will keep the audience guessing who is pulling the strings! Be sure to mark the date and join us in Haines Junction on August 10th to 12th! Online tickets sales will begin on June 18th. Check the website at www.augustokids.ca Birding Thursday 10 May: Haines Junction – Spring migration! Trip to the lagoons with Julie Bauer and Terry Skjonsberg. Meet at the Frosty Freeze at 7pm. (2 hrs) Soccer Our soccer teams went to Yellowknife for the Junior Super Soccer Tournament. The St. Elias Eagles Grade 7 Girls team brought home a silver medal. They played 7 games and came 2nd out of 10 teams. Our Boys Grade 7 team came home with a bronze. They played 6 games and came third out of 10 teams. Marty Samis, Derric Lewis and Cindi Cowie coached and chaperoned the kids. Junior Rangers The Top Shot Junior Ranger team, all from Haines Junction, went to Ontario this past weekend to compete in the National Air Gun competition. Their coach, Marcel Dulac, brought five shooters to the competition. We’re delighted to announce that the Yukon team won Top Team in Canada, competing against all other Patrols in Canada. Top Team Award
Kluane Chilkat International Bike Relay The Kluane Chilkat International Bike Relay is going to try and hold it’s 25th anniversary ride again this June on the 16th. Rider registration is full but there are still a few volunteers needed both in Whitehorse before the event and on the day of the event in Haines Junction. More information at kcibr.org. Hockey The HJ Huskies have wrapped up their 2017-2018 on-ice hockey season. A big Thank You to all the coaches, parents, volunteers rink attendants, and sponsors for a fantastic season! Without your continued support they couldn't make all the practices, games, tournaments and fundraisers happen! The following are some of HJMH’s annual off season/off ice fundraising events: May 16: Highway Litter Pick-Up Time and Place: 6.30pm – meet at the St.Elias Community School June 14: Kluane Chilkat International BIKE RELAY Check Point (1-4) SET UP! To sign up as a volunteer or for more information on these fundraising events or HJMH please call 867-332-2070. HJMHA would like to thank everyone who continue to donate their refundables. For those who are unaware, anyone could donate their refundables to any local club. HJMH would be grateful if you considered donating yours to our group! Thank you! Classes and Pick-up Games At the School Gym… Drop-in Volleyball on Wednesdays at 7pm Indoor soccer is every Thursday from 7:30-9pm in the school gym. Drop-in Basketball is every Friday from 7-8:30pm Around Town…
Seniors Society
Tots Romp n Run has fun, wiggles and movement for children 4 and under very Tuesday and Thursday mornings. It is 10am -11:30am at the Haines Junction Hockey Arena mezzanine! Programs are always changing. For May until early June we will have Kazoo- a music program where we will sing, clap, shake, bang, bong, skip, hop, swish and sway in a musical direction. Kids will learn songs, make simple instruments and move to music. There is also a fun movement program with lots of games, activities and giggles that will get your little one moving. Healthy snack and coffee provided. Parent or caregiver participation is required. For more information contact Laura at [email protected] The Haines Junction Public Library
Wellness MAY IS MENTAL HEALTH AWARENESS MONTH It’s springtime in Yukon, a time of energy renewal and the return of more daylight. Our monthly health board features tips for Positive Mental Wellness, accessible community resources for mental health help, and some information to dispel common myths about mental illness. For more information, go to www.yukonwellness.ca. DOCTOR CLINIC DAYS Our doctor clinics will change in June, with the arrival of Dr. Alison Freeman, the new family doctor for Haines Junction and the North Highway. Please call the clinic to get on her appointment list. We will start booking appointments mid-May. Questions or concerns can be directed to the Nurse in Charge, Meghann Willard. We appreciate your patience during this transition. EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS WEEK IS MAY 6-12 We are heading into summer fire season in the Yukon, a great reminder to prepare for unexpected emergencies. Having a plan, making a kit, and anticipating health needs are all ways to be ready for sudden evacuations. Check out www.getprepared.gc.ca for more information.
AboutOn the 2nd Thursday of each month, the CBC Community Reporter for Dakwäkäda-Haines Junction (Kari Johnston) speaks on CBC morning radio show at around 8:20 am. Tune in at 103.5 FM. Archives
February 2025
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