CBC Radio Community Report for February 13, 2025 This is the February 13, 2025 CBC Yukon morning radio community report for Dakwakada-Haines Junction. This report is produced from information sent by the community or gathered from bulletin boards and Facebook groups for HJ. Please let Kari Johnston know of any errors or omissions. The report is also published to volunteerhainesjunction.com and to the Echo (when possible) -- 👋 Introduction 👉Weather: Chįch’a K’ùk kulį 👉Congratulations to our new mayor Diane Strand 👉Lots of great hockey women’s hockey tourney and the HJMH hosted the U13 Yukon Championships 👉Valentine’s Day market was a success and so great to have the markets back 👋Village of Haines Junction 👉Notice of by-election has been issued for a Council Member The proposed schedule is as follows: February 26: Nomination Day (noon) February 27: All Candidates Forum (to be confirmed) March 3: Special ballots made available March 5: Advance Poll and Mobile Poll March 13: Election Day 👉Haines Junction Housing Needs Assessment Release publicly here: Link: https://hainesjunction.ca/p/haf 👋Champagne and Aishihik First Nations 👉CAFN Ice Fishing Day at Dezadeash Lake Monday, February 24, 2025 from 11am to 4pm Please dress accordingly. Snacks and Equipment provided. The Bus will leave HJ at 10am if you require transportation. Please call Rob at 587-298-2752 👉2025 Career Fair Friday, February 28, 2025 from 10am to 3pm HJ Convention Center & Mezzanine. CAFN has invited numerous companies, organizations and government departments to talk about job opportunities and careers. There will be door prizes, lunch and snacks provided. This is a free event. For more information, contact [email protected] 👉Valentine’s Day Dance Friday, February 14 at the Youth Center 5-7:30PM Ages 6+ 7:30-9pm Ages 11+ 9pm to 11:00pm Ages 14+ Pinata at 7:00pm Music, Lights, food, treats, games, prizes! All are welcome. 👉Adult Games Nights Cards, Scrabble, Crib Every Monday at Mun Ku from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm Snacks provided. Bring your friends. Contact Jocelyn K for more information at 634-5113 👉Regalia Making 2025 CAFN Language & Culture is facilitating regalia creation workshops in Haines Junction and Whitehorse to support all those who are graduating, performing in the cultural arts, or for ceremony in 2025. Personal instruction and design along with the materials/supplies being provided Dates and Times: February 18th at Da Kų In Haines Jct. 5pm- 9pm February 20th in Whitehorse. at Yukon Inn Plaza Boardroom 3pm-8pm For more info. email: [email protected] 👉 Bryan Trottier is coming to town! Champagne and Aishihik First Nations is thrilled to announce that NHL Hall of Famer and seven-time Stanley Cup winner Bryan Trottier will be visiting Haines Junction, We welcome Bryan Trottier to Dakwakada at 5:30 p.m. on Thursday, February 13 at the Convention Centre, and we look forward to a positive, inspiring and motivational connection that everyone will enjoy. Bryan will share stories that everyone loves. He will pass along his StanleyCup rings for anyone to wear and show off in photos! As an accomplished musician, he will also play guitar, bringing the community together in song and dance. Please join us! and stay tuned for the next update about his visit Takhini River Subdivision and Whitehorse. 👉Dá Kų̀ Nan Ts’etthet - Our House is Waking up the Land June 13 - 15, 2025 Dá Kų̀ Cultural Centre dakuculturalcentre.ca Ph: (867) 634-3300 email: [email protected] More details to come!! 👉Northern Focus Counselling with Vishnu Kolothumkattil in Takhini and Haines Junction! Haines Junction, One-on-One services: Jan 13, Feb 17, Mar 10, Apr 14, May 19, Jun 9. Set up an appointment @ 1-867-689-1885 or [email protected]. For more information contact Community Wellness @ 1-867-634-4200. 👋Haines Junction Public Library 👉Storytime starts up again this Friday: Join us for Storytime, a fun and engaging program for little ones! Each session features themed stories, interactive crafts, and plenty of free time for reading and play. It’s the perfect way for children ages 0-5 to explore books, get creative, and make new friends in a relaxed and welcoming environment. Once a month, Storytime will be held entirely in French—an exciting opportunity to introduce little ones to a new language through fun stories and activities! Check out yukonlibraries.ca/haines-junction to find out more about our events and programs 👋St Elias Community School 👉Grad Pizza! The SECS Grads are selling Take ʼn Bake Pizza as a school graduation fundraiser. The pizza order forms are available at the school and have also been sent home in the digital school newsletter. The pizza order form and payment must be returned to the school by Wednesday, February 19th before 3:00 pm 👉Kindergarten Registration It’s time to register your child for Kindergarten at St. Elias Community School. If your child will be 5 years old by December 31, 2025, they can start Kindergarten at St. Elias Community School in the 2025-26 school year. Registration can be done online or in person. Registration opened on February 4, 2025. Please go to the Yukon Education website at this link for further information on getting started. https://yukon.ca/register-child-school Children that will be 4 years old by September 1st, 2025 may be eligible for registration in our K4 Early Learning Program. Please stop by the school office to meet with our Principal, Linda Lamers, and to register in person. 👋YukonU - HJ Campus 👉Expression of interest for First Aid Course for winter/spring 2025. Standard First Aid - 16hrs Babysitting First Aid - 8 hrs Remote First Aid - 24 hrs Wilderness First Aid - 40 hrs Call the campus at 634-7800 if you’re interested in first aid in the new year. 👉 Free Cybersecurity Course February 26-28, 2025 from 9:30am to noon and with drop-in tech support in the afternoons from 1-3pm. By the end of the course, participants will not only have a solid understanding of cybersecurity fundamentals but will also be quipped with actional steps they can take to enhance their online safety. Please contact the campus to register. 👉 Employment Opportunity Do you want to share your excitement for science, technology, engineering, arts and math with Haines Junction youth? We’re looking for an enthusiastic person to assist and hopefully take over delivery of STEAM programming in our community. Contact info on poster. Please apply by February 28th. 👋St Elias Lions Club Annual Sweetheart Bonspiel February 15-16 Entry fee is $200 ($100 nonrefundable deposit required) Deadline to register is February 13 at 5pm Saturday night game night. Call Rod Watson 634-5207 or Ralph Hotte 332-1647 to register. 👋Community Markets The Community Markets will happen from 2-4pm, connect with Heather Grantham if you’d like to book a booth. Saturday, Mar 8 Sunday, Apr 20 Sunday, May 11 👋Parks Canada 👉 Summer may seem far away, but you can get planning your camping trip to Kluane National Park and Reserve and make reservations for oTENTik and campsites starting in just two weeks! Kathleen Lake Campground reservations open January 21st at 8am. 👋HJ Food Association 👉 Annual General Meeting is scheduled for January 25 at 2pm. Contact [email protected] for more information 👋12th Annual YUKON AFRICAN MUSIC FESTIVAL 2025 Sun 16 Feb, 5-8pm, St Elias Convention Centre - Haines Junction Both dates: $10 Entry at the Door, Kids 19 and under FREE Every February, we honour Black History Month. Bringing together a diverse audience of various nations, ethnicities, age and gender, the Yukon African Festival is having its 12th year in 2025! Featuring music, dance, crafts and a vibrant yet relaxed atmosphere, the YAMF presents some of the top musicians in the African music diaspora from all over the world. As an added bonus in Haines Junction, Stew & Bannock available by Grandma Treesaw Ward! Follow link for more info https://fb.me/e/2m8ejeuMp 👋Augusto! Calling All Creative Leaders! Do you have a fun, hands-on workshop idea for kids? Join us at Augusto Children’s Festival 2025 and help spark imagination and joy! August 8-10, 2025 St. Elias Convention Centre, Haines Junction, Yukon We’re seeking inspiring workshops focused on art, music, and creativity for kids 12 and under. Ready to bring your idea to life? Submit your proposal in just 5-10 minutes! https://forms.gle/vUSagVuJqpK49SG39 👋Glacier Nights Snow Festival Junction Arts and Music will be hosting their third annual Glacier Nights Snow Festival March 7 and 8 at the St-Elias convention center in Dakwakada, Haines Junction. Indoor and outdoor fun for the whole family. Friday Night indoor inauguration with Major Funk. Saturday Night outdoor costume dance party Cozmic Zest. Saturday special guests: Boreale, Snowshoe Shufflers and Parka. Professional snow sculpting and workshops with Joshua Lesage. Sign up by February 20th to sculpt your own block and win prizes. Click link below for more information: https://mailchi.mp/3df1df4f4e76/glacier-nights-snow-festival To Volunteer Please Sign Up Below: Outside Set up and Tear Down Crew Sign Up Form https://form.jotform.com/250147657087059 Inside Set up and Tear Down Crew Sign Up Form https://form.jotform.com/250364804215047 Bar Volunteers Sign Up Form https://form.jotform.com/243516525838160 👋Thrift Store The Haines Junction Thrift Shop is open every Thursday afternoon between 2-6 pm in the basement of the Log Church. Prices are kept as low as possible with the hope that items will be used again rather than ending up in our landfill. Items that we can’t use, or have been on the shelves for too long are sent to other places in the hope that they can be used elsewhere, or are sent to be recycled whenever possible. At the present time, donations of clean and good condition clothing, small household items and books other than textbooks can be dropped off outside the Thrift Shop at any time. Volunteers go by daily to put items inside. We thank everyone for their donations and want to remind the community that when you come shopping to please bring a bag and that the Thrift Shop is a cash only operation. 👋Trivia Nights at the 1016 Pub The 1016 Pub Trivia Night is back, Mondays at 6:30 PM For more information, call 634-2093 👋Sports, Health and Fitness 👉St Elias Cross Country Ski Club The Ski Club maintains about 40km+ of trackset trails in the area over the winter. The main trails are the “Forestry Trails” with the main entrance located near the wildfire base or at the end of Bear Berry Road. Volunteers often trackset Pine Lake and other trails around town. With the support of Parks Canada staff, trails like the Auriol are often trackset as well. The best way to keep up to date on trail conditions is to join the ski club for access to trail maps. Membership is pay what you can. They suggest $50/family or $30/individual for the year. Donations can be made by etransfer to [email protected] or find them on Facebook for more information. 👉Romp-n-Run Romp n Run is on Tuesdays and Thursdays 10-11:30am Come enjoy a facilitated program, followed by a healthy snack, and free play. 👉Yoga Lotus yoga classes are: Sundays @6pm at the Atrium in the St Elias Convention Center. Join Sarah-Monique in a 75 mins FLOW class of stretching and strengthening.Donation amount of $15 recommended. Please bring a mat and comfortable clothes. Wednesday morning @10 at the Convention Center auditorium. Join Sarah-Monique in a 60 mins chair yoga class where she will assist proper biomechanics and form for increasing mobility and balance. Donation amount of $5 recommended. To sign up, please head to https://lotus.janeapp.com/ and click on Sarah-Monique’s profile to book or call/text (250)797-4921. 👉Massage Rebecca Schatz, massage therapist, will be relocating to Bear Creek Lodge as of Oct 1st located at 103091 Alaska HW. Sessions are covered through insurance. To book online head to https://lotus.janeapp.com/ or text (250)797-4921. 👉Reuth Levain - Acupuncturist Is happy to come back to HJ for two weeks of Acupuncture sessions February 23-March 6 For any questions and for scheduling please sign in with the link below: https://reut-levain.netlify.app/ 👉Curling Every Tuesday at 6:30 pm at the arena 👉Taekwondo Classes Kids Class - Tuesday, December 9th, 5:30-6:10pm (Kids 4-6 years old must have an adult participate with them) Adult/Youth Class - Thursday December 11, 5:30-6:10pm (Adult/Youth Class is aimed at 11yrs and up) 👉Minor Hockey U11 Yukon Championship in Dawson City February 14th-16th The HJMH Association is hiring a General Manager for teh 25/26 season. This position will primarily focus on the registration duties and member services. The hours are flexible and some responsibilities my be performed remotely. This is a one-year term position, running from May 1 to April 30 with the possibility of renewal. The wage estimated at $25-30 per hour, depending on experience and estimated to be 240 hours over the term. For more information, submit a resume to [email protected] 👉Pedal Junction We have cleared YESAB process and now we’re working with the Village who will be working with the Lands Management Branch for use of Public Lands. We’re getting ready to submit a funding applications to Lotteries Yukon. Watch our website for an updated Expression of Interest for contractors interested in building the park with us. 👉PickleBall Mondays 5:30-7pm. We would love you to join us! Come in the St. Elias door at 5:15 after that it’s locked by the janitor so knock on the gym door. 👉Basketball Tuesday nights from 7-8:30pm. Come on out to shoot some hoops. Ages 13+. 👉Volleyball Wednesday at 6:30pm in the school gym 👉Badminton Badminton on Fridays! Doors will open at 7:30. 16+ unless accompanied by an adult. 👉Kluane Running Club Run every Tuesday and Thursday at 7.30 pm. Will be one hour mostly. Meeting up at the front of the swimming pool. Every weekend it will be one longer run after agreement with the group. Join Facebook group if interested Planning is underway for the first Kluane Running Club Triathalon 👉Kluane Chilkat International Bike Relay 2025 The race will be taking place on Saturday June 21st.
This is the January 9, 2025 CBC Yukon morning radio community report for Dakwakada-Haines Junction. This report is produced from information sent by the community or gathered from bulletin boards and Facebook groups for HJ. Please let Kari Johnston know of any errors or omissions. The report is also published to volunteerhainesjunction.com and to the Echo (when possible)
-- 👋 Introduction 👉 Happy New Year! 👉 Lots of Junctioners watched the big hockey game on New Years Eve. A huge thank you to Da Ku for hosting fireworks, crib tournament and other fun games on First Night. 👉 And a big thank you to all of the organizations that hosted holiday events throughout the holiday season – from the Library Craft Sale to the Skate with Santa on Christmas Eve, the Junction sure is a happening place. 👉 Huge thank you to the organizers of the Annual Homecoming Tournament – a wonderful tradition and fun event on Boxing Day. 👉Also a big shout out to the St Elias Cross Country trail groomers for keeping the ski trails in tip-top condition over the holidays and to Mark Heathcliff for plowing a skating track on Pine Lake. 👉 Minor hockey started the New Year in a great way with the All Girls Hockey Camp on January 4-5. Thank you to the volunteers, organizers and coaches who helped make it happen! 👉 Julie Bauer reports that the Junction Christmas bird count was on Dec 29, had 20 species of birds, 40 participants including 2 families with young kids. Highest amount of skiers ever with 14 on the trails. Very quiet for the finches, only 6 repolls, a few flocks of crossbills seen by skiers and ok numbers of pine grosbeaks at the feeders. Unusual sighting of 70 snow buntings on the highway . Bird watchers celebrated with the traditional potluck. Kluane Lake bird count was on Jan 5, had 9 participants and only 8 species. 👋Congratulations! The St Elias Lions Club was honoured with the much sought after Club of the Year award for 2023-2024 in our district, which is 49B. District 49B includes the Yukon, Northern BC, a club in NWT and a great portion of Alaska. We were very surprised and humbled by this great honour as we strive to serve our community with all the events that we host and all the work that we do in front of the scenes as well as behind.  👋Village of Haines Junction 👉By-Election for a Mayor January 11: deadline for nominations January 17: special ballots available (must be returned by 2pm on January 30) January 23: advance poll (8:00am to 8:00pm) at the Convention Center January 23: mobile poll (8:00am to 4:00pm) January 30: election day (8:00am to 8:00pm) at the Convention Center 👉 Donated Refundables Fund The Village of Haines Junction Recycle Centre accepts donated refundable items throughout the year. The refund money collected is held in a Donated Refundables fund to be awarded on an annual basis to eligible groups, as per the Donation of Refundable Items Policy #31-20. Next application deadline: January 15, 2025. https://hainesjunction.ca/p/funding-opportunities 👉Reminder! Tipping Fees Public Meeting Monday, January 13 at 6pm in the Grand Hall at the Convention Center. Plan to attend this public meeting to learn more about tipping fees that will come into effect on February 1, 2025. We will also be seeking your ideas on potential solutions to community concerns that have been raised with the new Waste Management and Sorting Requirements bylaw. Each household in attendance will receive 10 free bag tags! Garbage bag tags are now on sale at the Village Office. Learn more at hainesjunction.ca/p/waste-management 👋Champagne and Aishihik First Nations 👉 Rabbit Harvesting Join Darline Blair to learn how to snare, clean and prepare rabbits. January 13 through 16th. At Kloo Lake Open to CAFN Elders For More Information, please call Darline Blair at 867-634-5216 👉Women’s Support Circle with Lorraine Stick 6:30-8:30pm Healing House - 22 Hume Street - Upstairs Meeting Room January 21st 👉CAFN Cultural Programs: Regalia Making 2025 CAFN Language & Culture is facilitating regalia creation workshops in Haines Junction and Whitehorse to support all those who are graduating, performing in the cultural arts, or for ceremony in 2025. Personal instruction and design along with the materials/supplies being provided. January 14th at Da Kų In Haines Jct. 5pm- 9pm February 5th in Whitehorse. at Yukon Inn Plaza Boardroom 3pm-8pm For more info. email: [email protected] 👉 Game night At Mun Ku in Haines Junction Wednesday, January 15th, and Tuesday January 21st 7 to 9 pm Snacks provided. Let’s laugh and play with friends → cards, Scrabble, crib 👉 CAFN invites Citizens to participate in the Community Land Use Planning Engagement meeting in Champagne It’s your chance to share your input on important Land Use Planning Projects! Food and door prizes will be provided. Champagne Community Hall Date: January 18th Time: 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM 👉Community Wellness Ice Fishing with CAFN Land Guardians And yes there is a prize for the biggest fish. January 20 from 10am to 4pm at Pine Lake for more info please get in touch with Darline at 867-634-5236 👉Elders and Seniors Information Fair January 21st at St.Elias Convention Centre in Haines Junction 11am-3:30pm 👉Money Matters - Free workshop Gain confidence in budgeting, tax preparation, credit, borrowing, RESPs, and savings in this course focused on mastering financial management. Lunch & Refreshments provided January 8-9-10 2025 9am to 3pm at Munku Haines junction For more info: contact Emily at 867-334-1843 [email protected] 👉Dá Kų̀ Nan Ts’etthet - Our House is Waking up the Land June 13 - 15, 2025 Dá Kų̀ Cultural Centre dakuculturalcentre.ca Ph: (867) 634-3300 email: [email protected] More details to come!! 👉Northern Focus Counselling with Vishnu Kolothumkattil in Takhini and Haines Junction! Haines Junction, One-on-One services: Jan 13, Feb 17, Mar 10, Apr 14, May 19, Jun 9. Set up an appointment @ 1-867-689-1885 or [email protected]. For more information contact Community Wellness @ 1-867-634-4200. 👋Haines Junction Public Library 👉Storytime starts up again this Friday: Join us for Storytime, a fun and engaging program for little ones! Each session features themed stories, interactive crafts, and plenty of free time for reading and play. It’s the perfect way for children ages 0-5 to explore books, get creative, and make new friends in a relaxed and welcoming environment. Once a month, Storytime will be held entirely in French—an exciting opportunity to introduce little ones to a new language through fun stories and activities! Check out yukonlibraries.ca/haines-junction to find out more about our events and programs 👋YukonU - HJ Campus 👉Expression of interest for First Aid Course for winter/spring 2025. Standard First Aid - 16hrs Babysitting First Aid - 8 hrs Remote First Aid - 24 hrs Wilderness First Aid - 40 hrs Call the campus at 634-7800 if you’re interested in first aid in the new year. 👉 Yukon Science Institute: Major Lecture Series Cost of Living Dangerously: The ecology of mountain goats and avalanches Kevin White (University of Alaska Southeast and University of Victoria) revelas the fascinating natural history of mountain goats in southeast Alaska based on his long-term field study, including their perilous trade-offs when living in avalanche terrain. Free coffee/tea and cookies. Monday, January 20 at 7:00pm at the Haines Junction YukonU Campus 👉 Class 3 Commercial Driving Courses Registration deadline: January 20, 2025 Airbrakes Endorsement. Cost is $605+GST. February 11-13 from 9am to 5pm. Class 3 Theory. Cost is $635+GST. February 14-15 from 9am to 3pm. 👋Parks Canada 👉 Summer may seem far away, but you can get planning your camping trip to Kluane National Park and Reserve and make reservations for oTENTik and campsites starting in just two weeks! Kathleen Lake Campground reservations open January 21st at 8am. 👋HJ Food Association 👉 Annual General Meeting is scheduled for January 25 at 2pm. Contact [email protected] for more information 👋St Elias Dalls - 27th Annual Female Jamboree
👋Augusto! Calling All Creative Leaders! Do you have a fun, hands-on workshop idea for kids? Join us at Augusto Children’s Festival 2025 and help spark imagination and joy! August 8-10, 2025 St. Elias Convention Centre, Haines Junction, Yukon We’re seeking inspiring workshops focused on art, music, and creativity for kids 12 and under. Ready to bring your idea to life? Submit your proposal in just 5-10 minutes! https://forms.gle/vUSagVuJqpK49SG39 👋Thrift Store The Haines Junction Thrift Shop is open every Thursday afternoon between 2-6 pm in the basement of the Log Church. Prices are kept as low as possible with the hope that items will be used again rather than ending up in our landfill. Items that we can’t use, or have been on the shelves for too long are sent to other places in the hope that they can be used elsewhere, or are sent to be recycled whenever possible. At the present time, donations of clean and good condition clothing, small household items and books other than textbooks can be dropped off outside the Thrift Shop at any time. Volunteers go by daily to put items inside. We thank everyone for their donations and want to remind the community that when you come shopping to please bring a bag and that the Thrift Shop is a cash only operation. 👋Trivia Nights at the 1016 Pub The 1016 Pub Trivia Night is back, Mondays at 6:30 PM For more information, call 634-2093 👋Sports, Health and Fitness 👉St Elias Cross Country Ski Club The Ski Club maintains about 40km+ of trackset trails in the area over the winter. The main trails are the “Forestry Trails” with the main entrance located near the wildfire base or at the end of Bear Berry Road. Volunteers often trackset Pine Lake and other trails around town. With the support of Parks Canada staff, trails like the Auriol are often trackset as well. The best way to keep up to date on trail conditions is to join the ski club for access to trail maps. Membership is pay what you can. They suggest $50/family or $30/individual for the year. Donations can be made by etransfer to [email protected] or find them on Facebook for more information. 👉Romp-n-Run Romp n Run is on Tuesdays and Thursdays 10-11:30am Come enjoy a facilitated program, followed by a healthy snack, and free play. 👉Creative Junction We are so thrilled to share that we will be offering dance classes again in Haines Junction. We are thrilled to bring Valeries Herdes from Whitehorse as a dance instructor. She will be with us every second week and our local dance instructors Dyanna Wilkinson and Savannah Van Vliet will be providing classes on the weeks that Valerie is not in Haines Junction. Our children’s dances classes will be starting on Tuesday, January 7th and will run every Tuesday until May 20th and will end with a dance performance in late May. The class schedule will be as follows Tuesdays- Grand Hall 330-415pm K5/Gr1 - Instructors Valerie & Savannah 430-530pm Gr2/Gr3 - Instructors Valerie & Dyanna 530-630pm Gr4/5 - Instructors Valerie & Dyanna 700-800pm – Adult Classes ** the adult classes will run every 2nd week as it will only be taught by Valerie There will be a total of 18 children’s classes and 10 adult classes We also hope to partner with the school to offer additional classes for other age groups All classes will be in the Grand Hall (we may have to occasionally move to the mezzanine due to conflicts with other users but we will notify parents if we do) Class fees K5/Gr1 $100 for 18 classes and performance Gr2/Gr3 $150 for 18 classes and performance Gr4/Gr5 $150 for 18 classes and performance Adult classes will be $125 for 10 classes The class fees are higher than we have charged in the past but that is due to costs of bringing in a professional dance instructor as well as reduced funding. Please note our dance fees are still far less then classes in Whitehorse (approx half the cost) We will also be asking parents to help with fundraising this year to help cover our costs so watch for those requests. There will be a class size limit so please watch for registration in the next day or two. Please share these email with others that might be interested. 👉Yoga Lotus yoga classes are: Sundays @6pm at the Atrium in the St Elias Convention Center. Join Sarah-Monique in a 75 mins FLOW class of stretching and strengthening.Donation amount of $15 recommended. Please bring a mat and comfortable clothes. Wednesday morning @10 at the Convention Center auditorium. Join Sarah-Monique in a 60 mins chair yoga class where she will assist proper biomechanics and form for increasing mobility and balance. Donation amount of $5 recommended. To sign up, please head to https://lotus.janeapp.com/ and click on Sarah-Monique’s profile to book or call/text (250)797-4921. 👉Massage Rebecca Schatz, massage therapist, will be relocating to Bear Creek Lodge as of Oct 1st located at 103091 Alaska HW. Sessions are covered through insurance. To book online head to https://lotus.janeapp.com/ or text (250)797-4921. 👉Curling Every Tuesday at 6:30 pm at the arena 👉Taekwondo Classes Kids Class - Tuesday, December 9th, 5:30-6:10pm (Kids 4-6 years old must have an adult participate with them) Adult/Youth Class - Thursday December 11, 5:30-6:10pm (Adult/Youth Class is aimed at 11yrs and up) 👉Minor Hockey U9 Yukon Championship in Whitehorse January 11th&12th U13 Yukon Championship Hosted by HJMH January 24th-26th U11 Yukon Championship in Dawson City February 14th-16th HJMH has teams participating in all of these tournaments. February 8th Hockey Skill Camp with Yukon North Stars Age 6+ free for all players registered with HJMH 👉Pedal Junction We have cleared YESAB process and now we’re working with the Village who will be working with the Lands Management Branch for use of Public Lands. 👉Basketball Tuesday nights from 7-8:30pm. Come on out to shoot some hoops. Ages 13+. 👉Volleyball Wednesday at 6:30pm in the school gym 👉Badminton Badminton on Fridays! Doors will open at 7:30. 16+ unless accompanied by an adult. 👉Kluane Running Club Run every Tuesday and Thursday at 7.30 pm. Will be one hour mostly. Meeting up at the front of the swimming pool. Every weekend it will be one longer run after agreement with the group. Join Facebook group if interested Planning is underway for the first Kluane Running Club Triathalon 👉Kluane Chilkat International Bike Relay 2025 The race will be taking place on Saturday June 21st. This is the December 12, 2024 CBC Yukon morning radio community report for Dakwakada-Haines Junction. This report is produced from information sent by the community or gathered from bulletin boards and Facebook groups for HJ. Please let Kari Johnston know of any errors or omissions. The report is also published to volunteerhainesjunction.com and to the Echo (when possible) -- 👋 Introduction 👉Another successful All-Star Saturday! A big thank you to Danielle, Ryan, Sophie, Grace, Ella, and Colton for all the fun on the ice. Thanks to the bakers for the delicious treats, as well as the behind-the-scenes jersey organizers, dishwashers, and those who distributed the goodies at the end. I think all of the kids had a blast! 👉Welcome to our new school Principal Linda Lamers! 👉 Lot of great date nights, games nights and lunches at the Ravens Rest cafe/restaurant. Season is coming to an end – a big thank you from the community to the visiting chef! 👉 Wishing everyone a safe and healthy holiday break – school is out on the 19th and 👋Holiday Events 👉 Christmas Radio Bingo Dakwakata dancers Fundraiser on 13th play Christmas radio bingo have some food or grab and go food. Give Annette Eikland or Tracy Kane a call for more info. 👉 Village of Haines Junction Open House Mayor and Council invite you to an evening of appetizers and refreshments for the annual open house. St Elias Convention Center December 13, 2024 5-8pm This is a licensed event. All minors must be accompanied by an adult. 👉Christmas Markets Sunday, December 15 from 2pm - 4pm With special guest, the Grinch! St Elias Convention Center To book a table, contact Heather Grantham at [email protected] Coffee and tea service, come and connect with community and friends! 👉Christmas Carol Service If listeners want a change from singing Christmas carols in the shower, they can sing their hearts out at the Community Carol Service this Sunday, December 15 at 7 pm. The Church of St. Christopher, also known as the Log Church, hosts this evening of readings and carols, with live musicians and a choir leading the singing. Everyone is welcome, and you are asked to bring some Christmas baking to share after this very popular community event. 👉Annual Skate with Santa Annual Skate with Santa @ Bill Brewster arena Dec. 24, Christmas Eve day, from 1-3pm. Come skate with Santa! Prizes given out during the skate. Free hot dogs & hot chocolate. Thanks to major sponsors CAFN, HJMH, St. Elias Lions Club. Thanks also to Little Green Apple & VHJ. A family Christmas Tradition for the past 37 years!! 👉Annual Homecoming Hockey Tournament December 26 👉Christmas Bird Count It is the 125 year of the Christmas Bird Count. The date for the Haines Junction count is Sunday Dec 29th. Please contact Julie for participation 336-0688. All past participants and new birders welcome. Contact Julie prior to count date please. 👋YukonU - HJ Campus 👉Expression of interest for First Aid Course for winter/spring 2025. Standard First Aid - 16hrs Babysitting First Aid - 8 hrs Remote First Aid - 24 hrs Wilderness First Aid - 40 hrs Call the campus at 634-7800 if you’re interested in first aid in the new year. 👋Haines Junction Public Library 👉Storytime starts up again this Friday: Join us for Storytime, a fun and engaging program for little ones! Each session features themed stories, interactive crafts, and plenty of free time for reading and play. It’s the perfect way for children ages 0-5 to explore books, get creative, and make new friends in a relaxed and welcoming environment. Once a month, Storytime will be held entirely in French—an exciting opportunity to introduce little ones to a new language through fun stories and activities! Check out yukonlibraries.ca/haines-junction to find out more about our events and programs 👉Mountain Festival Was originally planned for November 15-16 but has been postponed. Organizers will update soon with new dates. 👋Village of Haines Junction 👉Tenders Invitation for Tender: Supply of Heating Fuel. Link: https://hainesjunction.ca/p/tenders-rfps Request for Quotations: Third-party equipment or equipment and operator rentals Link: https://hainesjunction.ca/p/tenders-rfps 👋St Elias Dalls - 27th Annual Female Jamboree
👋Champagne and Aishihik First Nations 👉Champagne & Aishihik First Nations is Celebrating our Annual Gingerbread House Spaghetti Dinner At Daku (Haines Junction) Dec . 15 from 4 to 7 pm For more info please call Lena Ross at 1-867-1786 We hope you can join us! 👉CAFN Citizens please join us for a Christmas Dinner Gathering. Daku Christmas Dinner Gathering Thursday, Dec. 12 from 5:00 PM to 8:00 PM in Haines Junction 👉Sleigh Rides from the Cultural Center Spots are all full Email: [email protected] or call 867-634-3300 to book. Saturday, December 14th | 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM Dakwäkäda at Da Kų Cultural Centre 👉Women’s Support Circle with Lorraine Stick 6:30-8:30pm Healing House - 22 Hume Street - Upstairs Meeting Room October 29th, November 12th & 26th, December 10th, January 21st 👉Uncles Drop-in Cultural Connections With Johnny Brass Thursday, December 12 !0 am - 2:30 pm Upstairs at the Healing House - Dakwakata 👉 Bus Service for CAFN Elders Christmas shopping trips Sunday, Dec. 8th, and Dec. 21st Bus departs Dakwakada At 9 am Rob to reserve a seat 589-298-2752 Community Wellness at 867 634-4200 👉Hey Citizens! Are you ready to level up your skills? Join us for a Babysitting Course at Yukon U Campus in Dakwäkäda! When? December 14, 2024 9:30 am - 3:30 pm December 15 , 2024 9:30 am - 3:30 pm Why sign up? Learn valuable childcare skills Boost your resume and confidence Meet new friends and network Get certified and start babysitting! Spaces are limited to 10, so don’t wait! Register today with Lena Ross at 867-332-1786 or email [email protected]. 👉Northern Focus Counselling with Vishnu Kolothumkattil in Takhini and Haines Junction! Support Circles at 2B Nakhu Chu 6:00 pm: NEW DATES October 30 and November 14 & 28 Haines Junction, One-on-One services: Nov 18, Dec 9, Jan 13, Feb 17, Mar 10, Apr 14, May 19, Jun 9. Set up an appointment @ 1-867-689-1885 or [email protected]. For more information contact Community Wellness @ 1-867-634-4200. 👉Prenatal and Postnatal Cooking Class Series Haines Junction Healing House, 6-9 pm November 21st | December 5th | December 19th Space is limited! Childcare will be available. Please contact Vanessa at 867-634-5238 to register We're kicking off the New Year with a First Night Celebration! Tuesday, December 31st 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM Da Kų Cultural Centre Join us for a family friendly evening with Njǟl Smoke Hole, puzzles, prizes and a Cribbage Tournament! At 9:00 PM, we’ll light up the sky with a Fireworks show! 👋Augusto! Calling All Creative Leaders! Do you have a fun, hands-on workshop idea for kids? Join us at Augusto Children’s Festival 2025 and help spark imagination and joy! August 8-10, 2025 St. Elias Convention Centre, Haines Junction, Yukon We’re seeking inspiring workshops focused on art, music, and creativity for kids 12 and under. Ready to bring your idea to life? Submit your proposal in just 5-10 minutes! https://forms.gle/vUSagVuJqpK49SG39 👋Thrift Store The Haines Junction Thrift Shop, located in the basement of the Log Church is open every Thursday from 2 -6. There is a wide variety of clothing available for all sizes and prices are always kept low. Besides clothing they also have some household items, books and toys. The Thrift Please remember to bring your own bag and cash, as only cash sales are possible. Store is not accepting new donations right now other than Christmas items. 👋The Raven’s Rest Inn 👉Button Box Community Cafe (last week!) The Button Box Cafe opened on October 25th from 11am to 4:30pm. It is open Wednesday to Sunday. Located in the Upstairs Dining Room of the Raven's Rest inn, our community cafe will offer delicious lunch treats and more. Come for the food, stay for the community spirit so pop in and see what it’s all about! Opportunity to purchase buttons to donate a lunch to someone else in the community in need. 👋Adventure Time 👉It's Holiday Season ! Let Adventure Time take some burden off your hands. As you know we can pick up Prepaid Orders from Whitehorse and bring them to you. For the Holiday Season, Adventure time offer to wrap your items into beautiful Holiday Gifts. The new service is only for a limited time. Small Gifts : $10 Med Gifts : $20 Large Gifts : $30 Customs orders can be arranged Visit our website to book your service now 👋Sports, Health and Fitness 👉Romp-n-Run Romp n Run is on Tuesdays and Thursdays 10-11:30am, from October 1st to December 17th. Come enjoy a facilitated program, followed by a healthy snack, and free play. 👉Yoga Lotus yoga classes are: Sundays @6pm at the Atrium in the St Elias Convention Center. Join Sarah-Monique in a 75 mins FLOW class of stretching and strengthening.Donation amount of $15 recommended. Please bring a mat and comfortable clothes. Wednesday morning @10 at the Convention Center auditorium. Join Sarah-Monique in a 60 mins chair yoga class where she will assist proper biomechanics and form for increasing mobility and balance. Donation amount of $5 recommended. To sign up, please head to https://lotus.janeapp.com/ and click on Sarah-Monique’s profile to book or call/text (250)797-4921. 👉Massage Rebecca Schatz, massage therapist, will be relocating to Bear Creek Lodge as of Oct 1st located at 103091 Alaska HW. Sessions are covered through insurance. To book online head to https://lotus.janeapp.com/ or text (250)797-4921. 👉Curling Every Tuesday at 6:30 pm at the arena 👉Taekwondo Classes Kids Class - Tuesday, December 9th, 5:30-6:10pm (Kids 4-6 years old must have an adult participate with them) Adult/Youth Class - Thursday December 11, 5:30-6:10pm (Adult/Youth Class is aimed at 11yrs and up) 👉Minor Hockey Haines Junction Girls Hockey Camp Open to all Yukon female hockey players January 4-5 at the Bill Brewster Arena in HJ Registration is closed. 👉Pedal Junction We have cleared YESAB process and now we’re working with the Village who will be working with the Lands Management Branch for use of Public Lands. 👉Basketball Tuesday nights from 7-8:30pm. Tomorrow night (October 8th) will be our first time out. Come on out to shoot some hoops. Ages 13+. 👉Volleyball Wednesday at 6:30pm in the school gym 👉Badminton Badminton on Fridays! Doors will open at 7:30. 16+ unless accompanied by an adult. 👉Kluane Running Club Run every Tuesday and Thursday at 7.30 pm. Will be one hour mostly. Meeting up at the front of the swimming pool. Every weekend it will be one longer run after agreement with the group. Join Facebook group if interested 👉Kluane Chilkat International Bike Relay 2025 The race will be taking place on Saturday June 21st. This is the November 14, 2024 CBC Yukon morning radio community report for Dakwakada-Haines Junction. This report is produced from information sent by the community or gathered from bulletin boards and Facebook groups for HJ. Please let Kari Johnston know of any errors or omissions. The report is also published to volunteerhainesjunction.com and to the Echo (when possible) -- 👋 Introduction 👉Congratulations to new mayor and council 👉Great Halloween events – the weekend before we had the JAM hosted Family Barn Dance, Haunted House (hosted by the grad class) and Dance Party; then their was Pumpkin Carving host by Da Ku, followed by the school Halloween Carnival, lots of spooky houses for trick-or-treating; and ending with the incredible fireworks and Bon Fire from the Volunteer Fire Department, Village of Haines Junction, St Elias Lions Club and the Drummond Family. 👉Thank you to the Rangers and St Elias Lions Club for always hosting a thoughtful Remembrance Day ceremony. 👉Cougar sightings being reported in town 👋Around Town 👉New Physiotherapist My name is Leah and I am a physiotherapist in Whitehorse (some of you may already know me). I have booked the community centre on Nov 26th to come and do some sessions for the community, to make it more accessible rather than patients having to come to Whitehorse. I currently just have one day booked, but I am open to extending this into the future if the community supports it. Services offered:
Please message me on facebook or email [email protected] to inquire about an appointment. 👉Proposed Land Treatment Facility in the MacIntosh Quarry CastleRock, a Dakwakada Capital Investments company is proposing a new Land Treatment Facility near Haines Junction at the MacIntosh Quarry which is near Bear Creek. The LTF will feature several large cells to passively remediate petroleum hydrocarbons in soil, a process that will typically takes 2 – 18 months depending on the contamination. Each cell will be lined with a geo-synthetic liner. The LTF will be about 150m x 150m and about 850 m away from the nearest residence. 👋Holiday Events 👉The Library Board annual bake sale and Christmas craft fair Thursday, November 14. Bake Sale 6:30PM | Craft Fair 7-9PM Shop local, find holiday treasures, and enjoy delicious treats—all while supporting our library programming! Calling all Bakers! We need your help to make this event a success. If you love baking, consider donating your favourite cookies, cakes, pies, or other goodies for the sale. Every baked donation brings us closer to funding more enriching programs for all ages. Date & Time: Thursday, November 14, 2024 | 6:30pm Location: St. Elias Convention Centre Baking Drop-Off: Drop off baking on November 14th at the library before 5pm or to the convention centre between 3-6:30pm. 👉Annual Skate with Santa Annual Skate with Santa @ Bill Brewster arena Dec. 24, Christmas Eve day, from 1-3pm. Come skate with Santa! Prizes given out during the skate. Free hot dogs & hot chocolate. Thanks to major sponsors CAFN, HJMH, St. Elias Lions Club. Thanks also to Little Green Apple & VHJ. A family Christmas Tradition for the past 37 years!! 👉Holiday Open House Mark your calendars, annual Joint Christmas Open House, Wednesday Dec 4, 2024, 4-6pm at the Convention Centre, Haines Junction. Booths hosted by Kluane National Park Management Board, YESAB - HJ Office, Alsek Renewable Resource Council, YukonU, Kluane Lake Research Station, Sha Shaw Corporation and many more! 👋Haines Junction Public Library 👉Storytime starts up again this Friday: Join us for Storytime, a fun and engaging program for little ones! Each session features themed stories, interactive crafts, and plenty of free time for reading and play. It’s the perfect way for children ages 0-5 to explore books, get creative, and make new friends in a relaxed and welcoming environment. Once a month, Storytime will be held entirely in French—an exciting opportunity to introduce little ones to a new language through fun stories and activities! Check out yukonlibraries.ca/haines-junction to find out more about our events and programs 👉Mountain Festival Was originally planned for November 15-16 but has been postponed. Organizers will update soon with new dates. 👋Village of Haines Junction The VofHJ has released the annual tenders:
👋Champagne and Aishihik First Nations 👉Friday is Nov 15 and you know what that means—Roc Your Mocs Day is here! Join the fun and enter our Dan k’e Wheel of Names Draw by sharing a video of YOU rocking your favorite pair of moccasins and saying “Kenkàt ke t’àdíchì”! Here’s how to enter: Make a video with your moccasins. Say "Kenkàt ke t’àdíchì" Post it on FB with the hashtag #CAFNkenkatke2024 or email it to [email protected] The prize? A $100 Air North Gift Certificate and a few awesome gift baskets ! Deadline to enter: Sunday, Nov 17 at 12:00 AM (midnight). One entry per person. Winners will be announced on the afternoon of Monday, Nov 18. Let’s see those moccasins! Interested in learning more about this special day? Visit rockyourmocs.org 👉Hey Citizens! Are you ready to level up your skills? Join us for a Babysitting Course at Yukon U Campus in Dakwäkäda! When? December 14, 2024 9:30 am - 3:30 pm December 15 , 2024 9:30 am - 3:30 pm Why sign up? Learn valuable childcare skills Boost your resume and confidence Meet new friends and network Get certified and start babysitting! Spaces are limited to 10, so don’t wait! Register today with Lena Ross at 867-332-1786 or email [email protected]. 👉Heads up! We have had a report of a cougar sighting in Haines Junction. Near the tiny homes at Dakwäkäda (Haines Junction) Please stay alert and stay safe! To report animal sightings, call the Yukon Government TIPP LINE 1-800-661-0525 👉Funeral Service Transportation For the late Deannalee Mazur From Shadhäla, the Yänlin Chemi, Takhini and Kwänlin to Dakwäkäda - Haines Junction. Service begins at 2pm Saturday, November 16th To reserve a seat on the bus, please call Rob McPhie at 587-298-2752 Leaving Kwänlin at 10am. 👉Northern Focus Counselling with Vishnu Kolothumkattil in Takhini and Haines Junction! Support Circles at 2B Nakhu Chu 6:00 pm: NEW DATES October 30 and November 14 & 28 Haines Junction, One-on-One services: Nov 18, Dec 9, Jan 13, Feb 17, Mar 10, Apr 14, May 19, Jun 9. Set up an appointment @ 1-867-689-1885 or [email protected]. For more information contact Community Wellness @ 1-867-634-4200. 👉Mitten Making Workshop Takhini Hall: 11am- 4pm November 23rd and December 7th Spaces are limited. All materials provided. Please contact Vanessa at 867-634-5238 to register. 👉2024 Angel Tree Share the joy of Christmas by signing up if your family needs support with children’s gifts this year. Please fill out a registration form and drop it off at the Haines Junction Healing House or CAFN Whitehorse, forms can also be picked up at either location. For more information, please get in touch with Jared at [email protected] 👉 CAFN invites all Citizens to participate in Community Land Use Planning for Shadhäla and Nàkhų Chù It’s your chance to share your input on important Land Use Planning Projects! Food will be provided and Door prizes! Nàkhų Chù | (*new* TBC) Old Takhini Hall Date: Thursday, November 14th Time: 3:00 PM - 6:00 PM Dakwäkäda | Da Kų Cultural Centre Date: Tuesday, November 26th Time: 3:30 PM - 7:00 PM Kwänlin | Yukon Inn Plaza Boardroom Date: Thursday, November 28th Time: 4:00 PM - 7:00 PM Shadhäla | Champagne Hall Date: Saturday, November 30th (Please note Date change) Time: 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM 👉CAFN Community Wellness and Education invite parents and caregivers to join us for dinner and supportive discussion about parenting. Childcare will be provided. Mun Kų, Dakwäkäda Nov 27, 5:30 PM For more information or transportation, contact John Fingland at 867-334-3779. 👉Prenatal and Postnatal Cooking Class Series Haines Junction Healing House, 6-9 pm November 21st | December 5th | December 19th Space is limited! Childcare will be available. Please contact Vanessa at 867-634-5238 to register 👋Augusto! Calling All Creative Leaders! Do you have a fun, hands-on workshop idea for kids? Join us at Augusto Children’s Festival 2025 and help spark imagination and joy! August 8-10, 2025 St. Elias Convention Centre, Haines Junction, Yukon We’re seeking inspiring workshops focused on art, music, and creativity for kids 12 and under. Ready to bring your idea to life? Submit your proposal in just 5-10 minutes! https://forms.gle/vUSagVuJqpK49SG39 👋Thrift Store The Haines Junction Thrift Shop, located in the basement of the Log Church is open every Thursday from 2 -6. There is a wide variety of clothing available for all sizes and prices are always kept low. Besides clothing they also have some household items, books and toys. Please remember to bring your own bag and cash, as only cash sales are possible. 👋The Raven’s Rest Inn 👉Saturday Date Night Alert at the Raven’s Rest Inn Enjoy a cozy three-course meal with a seasonal soup, your choice of main, and a delicious dessert—all for just $40 per person! Limited seating available on Nov 9th, 23rd, & Dec 7th. Pre-bookings only! Reserve your spot and pre-order by the Wednesday before the dinner. Call us at (867) 634-2500 to book. Event starts 7-7:30pm. Don't miss out! 👉Saturday Night Board Game Night Pre-bookings only. November 16 and 30 from 7-9:30pm Includes mini wraps, charcuterie nibbles, canapes, bite sized desserts and free tea, coffee and ice. To book your space, call 634-2500 👉Button Box Community Cafe The Button Box Cafe opened on October 25th from 11am to 4:30pm. It is open Wednesday to Sunday. Located in the Upstairs Dining Room of the Raven's Rest inn, our community cafe will offer delicious lunch treats and more. Come for the food, stay for the community spirit so pop in and see what it’s all about! Opportunity to purchase buttons to donate a lunch to someone else in the community in need. 👋Adventure Time 👉It's Holiday Season ! Let Adventure Time take some burden off your hands. As you know we can pick up Prepaid Orders from Whitehorse and bring them to you. For the Holiday Season, Adventure time offer to wrap your items into beautiful Holiday Gifts. The new service is only for a limited time. Small Gifts : $10 Med Gifts : $20 Large Gifts : $30 Customs orders can be arranged Visit our website to book your service now 👋Sports, Health and Fitness 👉Romp-n-Run Romp n Run is on Tuesdays and Thursdays 10-11:30am, from October 1st to December 17th. Come enjoy a facilitated program, followed by a healthy snack, and free play. 👉Yoga Lotus yoga classes are: Sundays @6pm at the Atrium in the St Elias Convention Center. Join Sarah-Monique in a 75 mins FLOW class of stretching and strengthening.Donation amount of $15 recommended. Please bring a mat and comfortable clothes. Wednesday morning @10 at the Convention Center auditorium. Join Sarah-Monique in a 60 mins chair yoga class where she will assist proper biomechanics and form for increasing mobility and balance. Donation amount of $5 recommended. To sign up, please head to https://lotus.janeapp.com/ and click on Sarah-Monique’s profile to book or call/text (250)797-4921. 👉Massage Rebecca Schatz, massage therapist, will be relocating to Bear Creek Lodge as of Oct 1st located at 103091 Alaska HW. Sessions are covered through insurance. To book online head to https://lotus.janeapp.com/ or text (250)797-4921. 👉HJ Soccer Club Thanks for the consistent great turn out to practices this fall! Thanks for filling out registration forms and paying soccer fees ($30 per player, if you can). We realized a few of the new (this year) to soccer parents may not have gotten the message about the upcoming soccer tournament. There is the "Toonie Tournament" on Nov 30 and Dec 1 at the Canada Games Centre in Whitehorse. This is an optional tournament, players need running shoes and a water bottle, and to bring a toonie OR can food donation for the foodbank to drop off at CGC. Players are given a jersey when they arrive. Parents/guardians are responsible for getting their child to and from the tournament and to games held in the flexihall, this is not a school-organized event. The younger age groups often only play on the Saturday, however we do not yet have the schedule. We will send the schedule out as soon as it is available. 👉Minor Hockey Thank you to everyone who supported the Haines Junction Huskies Skate-a-Thon! A total of 3,369 laps were skated by this enthusiastic group of kids and volunteers who are passionate about hockey in our community. The funds raised from our Skate-a-Thon help cover the costs of our camps and clinics throughout the season! Next Up: November 16th Power Skating with Trish Pettitt - Ages 6 and up December 7th All-Star Day - Ages 4 and Up 👉Pedal Junction Cleared YESAB process and now we’re working with the Village who will be working with the Lands Management Branch for use of Public Lands. 👉Basketball Tuesday nights from 7-8:30pm. Tomorrow night (October 8th) will be our first time out. Come on out to shoot some hoops. Ages 13+. 👉Volleyball Wednesday at 6:30pm in the school gym 👉Badminton Badminton on Fridays! Doors will open at 7:30. 16+ unless accompanied by an adult. 👉Kluane Running Club Run every Tuesday and Thursday at 7.30 pm. Will be one hour mostly. Meeting up at the front of the swimming pool. Every weekend it will be one longer run after agreement with the group. Join Facebook group if interested 👉Kluane Chilkat International Bike Relay 2025 The race will be taking place on Saturday June 21st. This is the October 10, 2024 CBC Yukon morning radio community report for Dakwakada-Haines Junction. This report is produced from information sent by the community or gathered from bulletin boards and Facebook groups for HJ. Please let Kari Johnston know of any errors or omissions. The report is also published to volunteerhainesjunction.com
Haines Junction Food Association
Municipal Election
SCAN Community Meetings happening Oct 16!
Attention CAFN Citizens! We have 6 seats left!
Notice to Citizens and Income Assistance Intake Dates
Bring your bingo package and join us every Friday night, 7:00 PM @ Mun Kų ! -- Hey Citizens! Are you ready to level up your skills? Join us for a Babysitting Course at Yukon U Campus in Dakwäkäda! When?
CAFN Youth Center
Junction Arts and Music JAM is hosting another Halloween Dance similar to last year. It's a two in one event. There will be the family barn dance from 6 - 8 pm with Relative Harmony and then an intermission. From 9pm - 12 midnight-ish there will be adult-only dancing and burlesque. I've attached screenshots of the posters. They were quite large to send over in pdf, but if you'd like them in that format, I can send them along. Shopping! Wildwood Spirits
Kluane Running Club
This is the September 11, 2024 CBC Yukon morning radio community report for Dakwakada-Haines Junction. This report is produced from information sent by the community or gathered from bulletin boards and Facebook groups for HJ. Please let Kari Johnston know of any errors or omissions. The report is also published to volunteerhainesjunction.com
Around Town Haines Junction Public LibraryStorytime and Family Time
Kluane National ParkPrescribed BurnOperations began this week to assess the conditions for the Alder Creek Prescribed Fire in Kluane National Park and Reserve. Fire crews made up of Parks Canada, Champagne Aishihik and Yukon Wildland Fire Management have been working on a prescribed fire near Alder Creek. This prescribed fire is part of the Dákeyi ukaanathį̀ jè forest health project between Parks Canada, Champagne and Aishihik First Nations and Kluane First Nation. This project is taking tangible steps toward restoring the health of forest ecosystems and reducing the threat of wildfires in the park. Visitor Information
Village of Haines Junction Municipal Election
Champagne and Aishihik First Nations Northern Focus Counselling with Vishnu Kolothumkattil in Takhini.
Please have a look at the following board opportunities and submit your application by visiting cafn.ca/boards-and-committees/ Alsek Renewable Resource Council (ARRC) 1 member at large for a 3-year term CAFN Lands Committee 1 member at large for a 3-year term Language and Culture Members at Large for a 3-year term. Sha Shaw Members at large for a 2-year term Yukon Salmon Sub committee Members at large for a 5-year term If you have questions, please contact: Holly Underschultz | 867-456-6888 | [email protected] PAL/Firearms Course Attention CAFN Citizens! We have a training opportunity coming up! PAL/Firearms course, Haines Junction, Da Kų Cultural Centre October 12, 2024 8:30 am - 4:30 pm October 13, 2024 9:00 am - 5:00 pm Call Lena Ross for more information or to register: 867-332-1786 [email protected] Kluane Lake Research Station
Alaska Highway West Local Area Plan Steering Committee The Government of Yukon is still seeking individuals interested in serving as the Government of Yukon nominees on the Steering Committee that will assist in developing a draft local area plan for the Alaska Highway West planning area. The planning area is along the Alaska Highway, and extends from Ibex Valley to Haines Junction and down to Quill Creek (map attached). More information on this call for expressions of interest is attached here, and you can reach me at [email protected] or 667-3734. Art and Culture Junction Arts and Music
Shopping! Thrift StoreThe Haines Junction Thrift Shop, located in the basement of the Log Church is open every Thursday from 2 -6 starting this Thursday September 12. There is a wide variety of clothing available for all sizes and prices are always kept low. Besides clothing they also have some household items, books and toys. Please remember to bring your own bag and cash, as only cash sales are possible. Sports and Fitness YogaLotus yoga classes will begin again starting September 15th and run until June 2025. Sundays @6pm at Frostbite Fitness Gym @ 103 Lupine Drive. Join Sarah-Monique in a 75 mins FLOW class of stretching and strengthening.Donation amount of $15 recommended. Please bring a mat and comfortable clothes. Wednesday morning @10 at the Convention Center auditorium. Join Sarah-Monique in a 60 mins chair yoga class where she will assist proper biomechanics and form for increasing mobility and balance. Donation amount of $5 recommended. To sign up, please head to https://lotus.janeapp.com/ and click on Sarah-Monique’s profile to book or call/text (250)797-4921. Rebecca Schatz, massage therapist, will be relocating to Bear Creek Lodge as of Oct 1st located at 103091 Alaska HW. Sessions are covered through insurance. To book online head to https://lotus.janeapp.com/ or text (250)797-4921. Minor Hockey
This is the July 11, 2024 CBC Yukon morning radio community report for Dakwakada-Haines Junction. This report is produced from information sent by the community or gathered from bulletin boards and Facebook groups for HJ. Please let Kari Johnston know of any errors or omissions. The report is also published to volunteerhainesjunction.com
Around Town Plant Walks
Haines Junction Public Library Storytime and Family Time
Royal Canadian Airforce
Kluane National Park Our interpretative programs in Kluane have started and we offering activities everyday!
Village of Haines Junction FireSmart Home Assessments
Champagne and Aishihik First Nations General Assembly
Youth Center GreenhouseGardening
Diabetes Prevention and Care workshop
Water Wednesdays
Kluane Lake Research Station
Art and Culture Junction Arts and Music at the Bakery
Extra show this month!
Shopping! Artist Guild
Haines Junction Community Market
Sports and Fitness Frostbite Fitness - Haines Junction Gym
This is the June 13, 2024 CBC Yukon morning radio community report for Dakwakada-Haines Junction. This report is produced from information sent by the community or gathered from bulletin boards and Facebook groups for HJ. Please let Kari Johnston know of any errors or omissions. The report is also published to volunteerhainesjunction.com Intro
Around Town Public Hearing hosted by the Electoral District Boundaries Commission
Village of Haines Junction Household Composting Pilot Program
Champagne and Aishihik First Nations End of the School Year Community BBQTakhini River Subdivision June 14 at 5pm Discussions about Post-secondary and trades fundingJune 26 from 1-6pm at the Yukon Inn Plaza Funding deadline is June 30! Please contact one of the following to setup an appointment: Florence, Post-Secondary Program Officer, [email protected] or (867)332-4993 Lena Ross, Employment & Training Officer, [email protected] or (867)332-1786 General AssemblyTaking place at Kusawa Lake Campground from July 19-21 We are looking for the following community delegates: Klukshu - one delegate & alternate Whitehorse - one delegate & alternate Takhini - one youth & alternate Haines Junction - one youth & alternate Please fill out the form here: https://bit.ly/delegate-application-form Holly Underschultz (867) 456-6888 ext. 332 [email protected] YukonU - Haines Junction Campus
Junction Arts and Music at the Bakery
Shopping! Artist Guild
Haines Junction Community Market
Sports and Fitness Frostbite Fitness - Haines Junction Gym
This is the May 9, 2024 CBC Yukon morning radio community report for Dakwakada-Haines Junction. This report is produced from information sent by the community or gathered from bulletin boards and Facebook groups for HJ. Please let Kari Johnston know of any errors or omissions. The report is also published to volunteerhainesjunction.com Intro
A note from Patty Moore: Regarding the carpet bowling and floor curling on Monday afternoons, we are actively recruiting new people as we’ve lost so many of our members to Whitehorse facilities or they have passed away. We would also welcome out-of-towners that would like to join us any Monday and if they contact me ahead of time by email, I will do a blitz here so people know to come out as we’ll have “guests” and I can make it an “event”. Right now we have one day of chair yoga happening in the Atrium because our instructor is only available Wednesday at 3:45 PM after her work at the school. I am working on lining up another instructor for a second day but at this point only Wednesday is confirmed. We have switched to the Atrium to accommodate a larger group of participants and it’s a lovely space for our class. All adults are welcome, not just Seniors and Elders. It is an excellent muscle and balance exercise. Again, people should contact me for more information if they are interested in coming out and I can let them know what equipment is needed. BGC Yukon
International Trails Day event happening at Pine Lake Run/Walk/Ride
Mother’s Day Celebration
Art Studio Tour
Haines Junction Community Market
Bike Repair Clinic
This is the April 10, CBC Yukon morning radio community report for Dakwakada-Haines Junction. This report is produced from information sent by the community or gathered from bulletin boards and Facebook groups for HJ. Please let Kari Johnston know of any errors or omissions. The report is also published to volunteerhainesjunction.com Intro
Around Town Community Connections: a support and recovery group
This community has always welcomed birders and in 2020 with the arrival of Canada’s first Hawfinch to Wolf and Sharyn Riedl’s backyard on the now famous Rainbow St. Over the ensuring months Haines Junction birders kept track of the Hawfinch and a steady stream of birders traveled to the community to view this celebrity rarity. Birders were welcomed by the locals to wander their neighbourhood, watch their feeders and quite often were invited inside for a hot drink when temperature were low. Since then a parade of rarities has continued to draw birders to the Junction…Bobolink, Lesser Goldfinch, Black-headed Grosbeaks and multiple Bramblings…. we wonder what next? Pat on the back to all those bird feeders and watchers. And thanks for the recognition and bird food! Haines Junction Public LibraryStorytime and Family Time
New Physiotherapist
Yukon Housing Corporation
Village of Haines Junction International Trails Day event happening at Pine Lake Run/Walk/Ride
Champagne and Aishihik First Nations Calling all CAFN Youth ages 13-23
YukonU - Haines Junction Campus Conscious Aging
Art and Culture Art Classes
Shopping! Haines Junction Community Market
Sports and Fitness Bike Repair ClinicMishka is organizing a bike repair clinic… but a lot of bikes are still stuck in the snow. Dates will be posted soon, there will be one mid-April and then a larger one in May. Pedal Junction
AboutOn the 2nd Thursday of each month, the CBC Community Reporter for Dakwäkäda-Haines Junction (Kari Johnston) speaks on CBC morning radio show at around 8:20 am. Tune in at 103.5 FM. Archives
February 2025
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