Champagne and Aishihik First Nations
Nju Store Christmas Dates – Da Kų Cultural Centre Find the perfect handmade gift for the special people on your holiday shopping list! December 9-13 from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm December 16-19 from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm CAFN Christmas Connects 2019·
Holiday Festivities Open House: AARC, Kluane National Park Management Board, YESAB – HJ, Yukon College, EMR Compliance Monitoring and Inspections and Forest Management Branch, Wildland Fire Management Please join us for a meet and greet and check our booths to see what we have been up to and what’s going on in your backyard! Door prizes to be drawn every 30 minutes starting at 3:30 pm. Join us from 3-6pm at the St. Elias Convention Centre on December 12, 2019 Annual Carol Service with Special Guests, The Arctic Institute Altos! Saturday, December 14 at 7pm · Be sure to wear your favourite Christmas sweater · Please bring some Christmas baking to share afterwards · All musicians and singers are invited to practice at 7pm on Friday, December 13 in the church basement · Everyone is welcome! · For more information, please contact Mark Ritchie at 634-2943 RCMP Open House Thursday, December 19 from noon to 1:30 pm at the RCMP Haines Junction Detachment. Enjoy a chili lunch and refreshments. Everyone is welcome! Annual Haines Junction Christmas Lights and Decorating Contest Judging takes place on Friday, December 20 at 7:00 pmA reminder that homes that are outside of CAFN Village or the Municipal Boundary need to call the Village office to register at 634-7100. Household categories include: Griswold Award for spectacular lighting, motion or music; the Charlie Brown Award for simple decorations but full of Christmas cheer; the Nostalgia Award for traditional decorations of Holidays past, reminding folks of their childhood. The Children and Youth categories include: Frosty the Snowman Award for a creative front yard snow creation; the Snoopy Award for decorating something other than your home; the Inside-Out Award for an indoor display that is visible from the road. There are also commercial and institutional prizes. Village of Haines Junction Open House Friday, December 20 at 5pm in the Atrium of the St. Elias Convention Centre Skate with Santa The Drummonds would like to invite everyone to the ANNUAL SKATE with SANTA. It’s on December 24 from 1-3 pm. Free skate, hotdogs, hot chocolate and prizes and an opportunity to visit and skate with Santa! Everyone welcome! New Years Eve Smores and Skate Haines Junction Victory Church invites everyone to a family fun skating event on Tuesday, December 31. There will be a campfire and hot chocolate and yummy smores to enjoy. Starts at 7pm. Christmas Bird Count The Christmas Bird Count for Kids will be held on Saturday, December 14. This will be the 4th annual count for kids. Location this year will be at Julie Bauer’s house at Lot #9 Willow Acres. Drop in from 10 am to 2 pm. There will be hot chocolate and soup. Discuss birds and win prizes! If the weather is good we’ll go for a bit of a walk too. The official Christmas Bird Count is on Sunday, December 15 in Haines Junction and December 21 on Kluane Lake. If you have any questions or if you’d like to join in, contact Julie Bauer at 634-2002 or [email protected] A big thank you to our local sponsors, Top Spot, The Little Green Apple, Mac Fireweed Books and the St. Elias Chamber of Commerce. The Christmas Bird Count (CBC) and Christmas Bird Count for Kids(CBC4Kids) have become a winter tradition for thousands of Canadians. This upcoming season marks the 120th year for the CBC, and the 10th year for the CBC4Kids in Canada. Everyone is welcome, from the most novice birder to the most seasoned expert. Participants are also invited to take part in our CBC photo contest! Christmas Bird Count CBCs are a fun way to spend time in the great outdoors with friends, family, and of course, the birds. Not only that, but did you know that your CBC results are being used to support conservation? You may have heard about a recent article in the journal Science on research that used data from Citizen Science programs, including the CBC, to estimate trends in bird populations. The results suggest that the size of North America’s bird population has decreased by nearly three billion birds compared to only 50 years ago! Although this news is frightening, the birds would have been worse off had these changes not been documented. Your contributions as a CBC volunteer strengthen this program, which is used to inform environmental planning and research, and ultimately promotes conservation of birds and their ecosystems. Thank you to all the participants, compilers, and regional editors who dedicate their time and effort towards conservation in this way. Link to Bird Studies Canada site: has a picture of the Haines Junction kids count! Thrift Store The Thrift Store is open from 2-6pm on Thursday, December 12. It’ll be the last thrift store day before Christmas so come on in and find some amazing gifts for everyone on your list! Sports Report Drop-in Sports Adult and Teen Badminton
Romp n Run Romp n Run has fun, wiggles and movement for children 4 and under every Tuesday and Thursday until December 12th, 10am -11:30am, at the Haines Junction Arena mezzanine. Our programs include a Little Chefs program, a parent and tot yoga program, craft programs, visits from the Child Development centre and lots of other great activities. Healthy snack and coffee provided. Please wear comfortable clothes and indoor shoes. Parent or caregiver participation is required. Thank you to Partners for Children for funding our program. Bill Brewster Arena - Public Skating Visit the for an up-to-date schedule for skating times over the holidays! Haines Junction Minor Hockey Mark your calendars… January 19: 2nd Learn to Skate Clinic January 25-26: Female Jamboree (13+) January 31 to Feb 2: HJ is hosting the Atom Yukon Championships! Hockey season in Haines Junction is in full swing. Haines Junction Minor Hockey Association's main goal is to promote hockey and skating among our youth. The Program runs 4 days a week (Mon-Thurs) with occasional games and clinics on the weekends. We currently have over 70 registered players (ages 4-17), an active 8 member board, and a long list of volunteers (including 12 coaches) who help make our program successful. Last month we ran very successful Power Skating and Learn to Skate Clinics, as well as a well-attended 2 day hockey skills camp. We also held our annual skate-a-thon and wood raffle which were a HUGE success. Haines Junction Minor Hockey would like to thank all their volunteers, the Village of Haines Junction staff, Lotteries Yukon's Community Lottery Program, the Dakwakada Capital Investments, as well as local businesses and many, many members of our community for their ongoing monetary contribution and support. We couldn't run a program like this without you! Thank you! If your child is between the ages of 4-17 and interested in playing hockey - please contact Haines Junction Minor Hockey at 867-332-2070 or by email at [email protected] , we can also be found on Facebook. Homecoming Hockey Tournament Sign up sheets are at the Bank and Arena! Ages 15 and up $25/person goalies free. Tourney is December 26th but please sign up right away space is limited! St. Elias Seniors Society Join us on Tuesdays for our weekly carpet bowling and floor curling in the Convention Center Atrium from 1:30 to 3:00. This is open to all seniors and elders from 60 to 97. Wednesdays is our Drop-In day from 1:30 to 3:00 in the Social Room on the lower floor, south end of the Senior’s Apartment Building on Martin Street. Yearly membership is $12.00 and includes meals and other benefits. Come on out and meet some of the 51+ members! The 3rd Wednesday of every month is our Birthday Cake day for everyone celebrating their birthday that month. Thursday at 1:30 we have an indoor walking group in the Grand Hall of the Convention Center. We count our loops and collectively add them up. When we have walked the distance for Haines Junction to Kathleen Lake, the walkers will celebrate with a special dinner. Come on out and enjoy the exercise! Wellness Dakwäkäda nda dān kų – Haines Junction Health Centre News Flu vaccines available now!Flu season is back and that means flu shots are available at the health centre. Remember that our elders and babies are at increased risk of serious illness from influenza viruses. Please be sure to practice regular hand hygiene and stay home if you have symptoms of a cold or flu. Getting a flu shot is a great way to support our most vulnerable populations. They are free a the clinic by walk in or appointment. A reminder that December is Safe Driving Month For safe winter driving the best way to maintain control of your vehicle is to control your speed. Slow down, give yourself extra travel time and drive to the conditions. Always wear your seatbelt – it could save your life! Haines Junction Mountain Festival On International Mountain Day, Wednesday, December 11, 2019, the fourth Haines Junction Mountain Festival invites everyone to an evening of mountain music, films, presentations, refreshments, and a first-ever Mountain Trivia Competition. Admission is free to this all-ages event, at the St. Elias Convention Centre in Haines Junction (Dakwäkäda), beginning at 6:00 p.m. Longer days in February allow the festival to continue with outdoor activities for the whole family, February 7 - 9, 2020, in and around Haines Junction (Dakwäkäda.) Over that weekend, the Festival includes mountain displays, world-class films, food, activities and travel presentations focussed on the Canadian Mountain Network’s theme “Mountains Matter.” This year’s theme is “Mountains Matter for Youth.” The two-part festival is organized by volunteers, and supported in part by the national, newly-funded Canadian Mountain Network. International Mountain Day -- December 11, 2019 Schedule: 18:00 Doors Open, Bannock, tea, bar available; 18:15 Opening intro 18:20 Jeffrey Peter - Film: "We are Able": introduction, screening (8:35), discussion 18:50 break 19:00 John Fingland - on importance of mountains to First Nations 19:30 Music - Karina Howard 20:00 Mountain Trivia (family - adults & kids) 20:30 Mountain Films - local and international 21:00 wrap-up Community Engagement Our Clean Future Community Meeting Learn about Our Clean Future, the draft climate change, energy and green economy strategy for Yukon, and share your feedback. We'll be in Haines Junction on Wednesday, December 11. Find us from 5 to 7 PM at the St. Elias Convention Centre. Learn more at Arts and Culture Haines Junction Public Library Storyhour at the pubic library for 2-5 year olds and their adults. Fridays from 10-11. Free. Book Launch of "Scatter my Ashes on the Fields up top" By former Haines Junction resident Elisabeth Weigand This book is a tribute to the life of Mabel Brewster. Readings, poems, book sales and signing. Refreshments. Thursday, December 19 from 7-9pm Art Journal Group Tuesdays in the School ART ROOM. Join in anytime between 7-9 PM. I have supplies and can help you get started if you want. Home Routes Concerts Schedule for the 13th Annual National Concert Series: Home Routes. A big thank you to the gracious hosts/organizers who open up their living rooms to bring live music to your community. Home Routes concerts are hosted in over 150 communities across Canada. This model of arts production makes it feasible for professional musicians to reach communities throughout the country. They return home with new connections, lifelong friends, money in their pockets, recordings sold, and usually want to sign up for another tour. Visit for more information. Haines Junction dates: Sun Feb 2 - Early Spirit, BC Sat Feb 29 - Betse & Clarke, MO Sun Mar 29 - Rick Fines, ON Tues Apr 28 -The Schotts, ON
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AboutOn the 2nd Thursday of each month, the CBC Community Reporter for Dakwäkäda-Haines Junction (Kari Johnston) speaks on CBC morning radio show at around 8:20 am. Tune in at 103.5 FM. Archives
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