Sports Report
Adult and Teen Badminton Adult and Teen Badminton starts up again on Wednesday, October 16 from 7-8:30 pm in the school gym. It will be every Wednesday from then on and we provide all birdies and racquets and it's free of charge! Romp n Run Romp n Run programs for children 4 and under have started again for another season. Kids are moving, wiggling and having fun every Tuesday and Thursday until December 12th, 10am -11:30am, at the Haines Junction Arena mezzanine. Our programs include a Little Chefs program, a parent and tot yoga program, visits from the Child Development centre and lots of other great activities. Healthy snack and coffee provided. Please wear comfortable clothes and indoor shoes. Parent or caregiver participation is required. Thank you to Partners for Children for funding our program. Bill Brewster Arena Public Skating Sundays – 5-7 pm Monday – 3-4:30 pm Wednesday – 3:15-4:30 pm Thursday – 3:15-4:30 pm & 6:15-8 pm Friday – 3-6 pm Saturday – noon-4 pm Drop-in Hockey Monday and Friday – 7:30-9 pm Curling Sunday 1-4 pm Yoga Free drop in yoga class at 5:15 at Yukon College Mondays. Haines Junction Minor Hockey Haines Junction Minor Hockey Season start is just around the corner! On Tuesday, Oct 15 the Bill Brewster Arena will be buzzing with children and adults of all ages. HJMH season will run from Oct 15 to March 5. We provide children ages 4-17 - 2 ice times per week, with games, skating and skills clinics or tournaments on most weekends. On Oct 2 we held a joint registration night with Haines Junction Soccer Club. It was a huge success! A BIG thank you to our volunteers and to those that came out to register. For those that missed the event, it's not too late to register. For more information on HJMH or to register please join HJMH's Facebook page, email us at [email protected] or call 867-332-2070. Thank you! The Kluane Chilkat International Bike Relay The Kluane Chilkat International Bike Relay Annual General Meeting is this Thursday October 10 in the Sport Yukon (4061 4th Ave) Board Room at 7:00 pm. For more information please contact [email protected] St. Elias Seniors Society This Tuesday we will begin our weekly carpet bowling and floor curling in the Convention Center Atrium from 1:30 to 3:00. This is open to all seniors and elders from 60 to 97. At 97 Marion Wakefield is one of our best bowlers! Come on out and join a team. Wednesday is our Drop-In day from 1:30 to 3:00 in the Social Room on the lower floor, south end of the Senior’s Apartment Building on Martin Street. Yearly membership is $12.00 and includes meals and other benefits. Come on out and meet some of the 51+ members! The 3rd Wednesday of every month is our Birthday Cake day for everyone celebrating their birthday that month. Thursday at 1:30 we have an indoor walking group in the Grand Hall of the Convention Center. We count our loops and collectively add them up. When we have walked the distance for Haines Junction to Kathleen Lake, the walkers will celebrate with a special dinner. Come on out and enjoy the exercise! On Monday, November 4th we have a Seniors Society and Elders luncheon at the Convention Center from 12:00 to 2:00. Our guests that day will be the Public Health Nurse to give us all our flu shot, the Palliative Care Team to assist with Advanced Directives (for those that want assistance with the paperwork) and Service Canada, to assist with questions on taxes, pensions etc. Champagne and Aishihik First Nations KOHKLUX MAP POTLATCH Friday, October 18, 2019: 5:30 p.m. supper 6:30-8:30 p.m. films about our trading history Saturday, October 19, 2019: 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. workshops, activities, sharing stories & displays 5 p.m. feast Da Kų Cultural Centre Dakwäkäda (Haines Junction), Yukon Celebrating the 150th Anniversary of the Chief Kaalaxch’ (Kohklux) Map Drawn in 1869 by the Tlingit Chief Kaalaxch’ (Kohklux), this rare map is one of the few examples of Indigenous map making in the North. It is especially important to CAFN because it is the oldest map of dákeyi (our traditional territory). We want to share the story behind the map,as well as family and community stories related to the trade. Please join us to celebrate the connection between our people - Dän (Tutchone) and Tlingit - through this important piece of our history. Please bring your regalia, stories and songs to share! Everyone is welcome. One of the original maps drawn by Chief Kohklux and his wives will be coming north from San Fransisco for the anniversary celebrations! For more information: Sheila Greer [email protected] • (867) 634-3300 Notice of By-Election A by-election will be held for one (1) councillor. By-election day will be Monday, October 28, 2019 from 11:00 am to 8:00 pm Citizens are responsible to confirm that their name is on the Voters List. To verify, please contact: Enrollment, Champagne and Aishihik First Nations. Telephone: 867-634-4200 ext 235. E-mail: [email protected] HOW CAN I VOTE? Citizens have three voting options –voting on By-election Day, voting in the traveling advanced poll voting, or voting with a mail in ballot Voting Votes may be cast at any of these three locations between 11AM and 8PM on October 28, 2019:
WHAT IF I HAVE QUESTIONS ABOUT VOTING? Contact the Chief Returning Officer, Norman Eady, at [email protected] or by phone at 867-332-7444. Thrift Store The Thrift Shop in the basement of the log church is open this Thursday from 2-6 pm. Community Engagement Creative and Cultural Industries Strategy: Haines Junction October 24 at 5:30pm to 7:30pm Join us for a 2-hour facilitated session in Haines Junction to help shape the Creative and Cultural Industries Strategy. This action-focused strategy will guide future programs and support a strong, vibrant creative and cultural industries sector in Yukon. Food and refreshments will be provided. Community Workshop: Yukon’s 40 Developmental Assets to positive youth development Find about how you can be an Asset Builder for Yukon youth! October 29 from 6-8 pm at Da Ku Cultural Centre Who should attend? People who are about youth, their future and the well-being of their community. Snacks and refreshments provided! For more information: Youth Development Coordinator, Sarah Swinimer @456-5523 Arts and Culture Haines Junction Public Library Storyhour at the pubic library for 2-5 year olds and their adults. Fridays from 10-11. Free. Mark your calendars! The Date for the Library Craft Sale is Thursday November 14. Call 867-634-2215 for more information or to reserve a table. Dakwäkãda Warriors Cole Pauls is overjoyed to share the first leg of his #DakwäkãdaWarriors Book Tour!! The world premiere of the Dakwäkãda Warriors GN was in ion YT! Dinner at 5pm, followed by a performance from the Dakwäkãda last week and I hear it was an amazing event. It is so wonderful to celebrate the success of such an accomplished Yukoner/Junctioner. Cole will be in Dawson City on October 11th at the @klondikeart Ballroom! When he returns to Vancouver, he is having an artist talk & art show at @luckyscomics Oct 17th 7-9pm! His originals will be on display from the 17th to 20th of October; @vancouverartbookfair weekend!!! Which he is also tabling at. Really looking forward to all these events!! More to dates & cities to be announced... Home Routes Concerts We’ve got the first copy of the draft schedule for the 13th Annual National Concert Series: Home Routes. A big thank you to the gracious hosts/organizers who open up their living rooms to bring live music to your community. Home Routes concerts are hosted in over 150 communities across Canada. This model of arts production makes it feasible for professional musicians to reach communities throughout the country. They return home with new connections, lifelong friends, money in their pockets, recordings sold, and usually want to sign up for another tour. Haines Junction dates and performers (draft): Sat Oct 19 - Kerji Stephens & Justin Lacroix, MB Thurs Nov 14 - Campbell D. Woods, ON Sun Feb 2 - Early Spirit, BC Sat Feb 29 - Betse & Clarke, MO Sun Mar 29 - Rick Fines, ON Tues Apr 28 -The Schotts, ON
AboutOn the 2nd Thursday of each month, the CBC Community Reporter for Dakwäkäda-Haines Junction (Kari Johnston) speaks on CBC morning radio show at around 8:20 am. Tune in at 103.5 FM. Archives
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